Hi Guys,
I am going to be on long term MC due to surgery. Do you know what the limits for going out are? I mean is the occasional dine out with family alright? Or going to a relative's house? Going out for a short while to buy food from hawker centre? Obviously I don't mean going to clubs or going out to the movies with my friends but just small things like the ones mentioned above?
In the months leading to surgury I've been on MC quite often as my condition does cause me to be in pain most of the time (I'm on painkillers). So I dare say over the past 2 months I've been on MC on and off at least a month. So far I've gone out abit to buy food etc and no one said anything. Can anyone give me a better idea? Much appreciated. Note my vocation is driver trainee. If anyone knows where that is you'll know that I've absolutely no duties so it's unlikely that I'll be sorely missed.
Depends on how strict your camp is. And also depending on your personality. Are you those trusted by the army officers, or those that the army officers have no faith in you?
Actually I just enlisted August 3rd. I OOT BMT because of my condition and have spent bout a month and a half in camp. But I've been on MC for the better part of the month due to my condition. My documentation is good. I always endorse MC's and submit on time. I ensure that I follow all my S1 branch's instructions when it comes to my MC's. As for my commanders I doubt any of them even know me. Cause I believe that trainees like me are below the CO's notice so we only have one 2WO looking after us. I believe I keep quite a low profile. It's only that I'm on MC quite often....
Thanks Rednano
Hmmm, I think I can be considered an MC king as I've taken MC's fairly frequently. But I do follow the proper procedures and submit MC's on time, endorse etc. And my MC's are usually given by the specialist from CGH and not private one. Is it likely my unit is going to give me trouble?
Not bad, no duties. Wonder what other no-duty vocations there are?
Originally posted by alize:Not bad, no duties. How do you find the vocation?
I OOT BMT with a leg condition. As a result I can't really do anything. Anyway Selarang is a holding place for driver trainees waiting to be sent on course. So there are like 50 of us just hanging around waiting to be sent on course. Because we are not trained and are not on course, there's precious little for us to do.