In the army, we often experience a stupid exercise whereby we are forced to drink excessive water in a very short period of time. I remember during my time in the police academy, the night before we are going for a long run, we are forced to drink way way excessive of water and anyone not drinking will not be able to book out on Sat. What the morons did not realise is that we can get water poisoning due to excessive drinking of water due to their moronic exercise. Thank god I didn't follow that idiot exercise by pouring away the water to water the grass. Should they abolish or should they carry on this exercise which can cause death?
For more detail, please read
i didn't die. haha. i dunno how much u guys drank, i only took 1 bottle
during my recruit time also the same, 1 mess mug full & not allowed to fill with water from the water cooler but rather at the toilet sink..quite a number of recruits vomitted I remembered..
one mess mug also will vomit ? ...
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:i didn't die. haha. i dunno how much u guys drank, i only took 1 bottle
For your info, alot of guys in my squad vomitted like hell. We were forced to drink at least 3 litres of water. There are on the ball nerds who are so stupid to follow and actually drink what was told then at night struggling with bloated stomach in the barracks.
heng my bmt time, the max at 1 go is half a bottle which is 500ml nia.
anyway water parades are excuses to cover the sergeants and officers ass in case someone kena heat related injuries.
Originally posted by Nolvadex:
For your info, alot of guys in my squad vomitted like hell. We were forced to drink at least 3 litres of water. There are on the ball nerds who are so stupid to follow and actually drink what was told then at night struggling with bloated stomach in the barracks.
then they're idiots lor.
Originally posted by stellazio:heng my bmt time, the max at 1 go is half a bottle which is 500ml nia.
anyway water parades are excuses to cover the sergeants and officers ass in case someone kena heat related injuries.
ya lor, that's what they said to us as well during our PTP stage & I guess everywhere they will say the same thing oso..
Drink up!!!!!
1 litre or 500ml wun kill you, you need to drink quite a bit more before you get water intoxication.
For new recruits they need to get used to hyrdrating properly before they can self-regulate, hence the whole idea of water parade. There will be some dudes that simply do not know the importance of hydration and very often by the time they actually feel thirsty they could be close to heat exaustion. Heat stroke is no joking matter, and we get heat injuries every year, and no cases of water intoxication that I know of yet.
Nothing to say about those dudes who ask you to drink 3 litres of water, that one is obviously stupid.
Hey, at least it's better than some armies where recruits are discouraged to drink water.
In the Korean Army where I served my NS, recruits are discouraged to drink water by their NCOs and stupid sh!t like that. I suppose the purpose is to "toughen up" the pukes and instill fear in them. Hah! Maybe such training is appropriate for elite units who are preparing to serve in a desert environment or something like that, but I always thought it was foolish and dangerous for recruit training, and only served the egos of the NCOs.
The only result that I could see were people fainting and collapsing. Fortunately, I had enough sense to disobey orders and secretly sip some water when I thought they weren't looking. (I'm SO evil...bwahahaha. I guess I'm just not "soldier material").
But I got to agree that drinking 3 litres of water is pretty stupid, too. But then again, an Army (of any nationality) is not known to be led (or followed) by the brightest minds.
Aiyah.... if it's one mess mug only, then it's okay mah....
Here's a tip: eat one piece of dry biscuit prior to water parade. This will help your body absorb the water better.
I have to agree that three liters is overkill, though. Whoever thought of that sure has a vacuum in his skull.
wah..your PA when de??the FI in my times long as we brought out a bottle..they ok..tats y i bought a hamtaro mineral water bottle complete with straps for water was only 125ml??
the best way to hydrate is to take small amounts consistenly over a long period to be hydrated. its sad SAF dun know that, Taking a massive amount of water isnt exactly effective in hydrating and only produces discomfort.
my say is that they should let recuits OTOT, hydrate at frequ intervals, and not like after 2-3 hours, and expect the recuits to be water carriers
We had the EXACT same thread and discussion about this a few months back. Why don't we all read the old thread first before rehashing all these tired arguments?
it is ridiculous to drink so much at one go. they should learn the art of DRINKING WATER. drinking too fast at one go can make u bloated, then u go for your exercises.. some problem may arise. No doubt u have to drink to prevent dehydration. but too much at a go isnt good. take it at intervals.
They need 1 accident to retify this i guess.
Just 1 cock up then they will stop this stupid practice which could be excercised in a better manner.Like Reply to topic bits by bits over a period of time.
Hmm,I packed electrolytes to bring in with me...and yes i think its better for SAF to ensure the soldiers drink till they are full, den allow them to OTOT drink at their leisure.Because sometimes, by the time you know you're thirsty you're already dehydrated.Am actually pretty worried that this period which I'm going in, its quite sunny and hot.But I'm sure it beats being wet and miserable.
it dosent make sense to drink till you are full and go for an exercise.