I'm freaking pissed right now. I just googled my username "Mudtimud" and I found out I had an sgGirl account ON THE FIRST PAGE. I DID NOT registered for such and account and I only registered for an SGFORUM account. How is it that I am able to find my Profile on SGGIRLS with my contact infomation? Even if pervs were to have a fetish for looking at young girls on this website they wouldn't be dumb enough to put up their contact details to SHOW OFF to the world that they do that! Moderators please deactivate my account. I do not want this sticking out like a sore thumb when people do a background check on me.
Thanks in advance.
wow great advertsiement
I tried everything but I can't deactivate that SGgirl account. I sent the site an email but I doubt i'll get any reply. There is no way i ever signed up for such an account. I wnet only as far as SGPals but NOT SGgirls. How do i get it off google results?