Few days back , my female friend who is visiting to singapore carrying a pepper spray and the item was stop by the singapore custom officer , saying that this is a prohibited item and the iteam was taken by the officer.
Most of us know pepper spray is an prohibited item , but does anyone know what can a female use to protect themself in singapore ? come across below webpage.
-- 30 posts required --
Do we need pepper spray ? where to buy ?What is the alternative ? Does government promise for zero crime rate after so may development project have been conducted in singapore ?
Please comments:
Learn Krav Maga...
Pepper spray might not work all the time and in some cases might make your attacker more angry. Also attackers might use pepper spray on you.
Pepper spray has been known to be misused in Singapore. Innocents have been maimed by the misuse of pepper spray.
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:Learn Krav Maga...
Pepper spray might not work all the time and in some cases might make your attacker more angry. Also attackers might use pepper spray on you.
krav maga is just a sports martial arts and not good enough for a rough and ready street fight.
keenwong might as well bring a streetsweeper for protection.
Depends on the Krav you are learning mah, you go and learn the sports one for what?
Most of the girls here think they very chio a lot of people wanna touch. A little bit wanna sue people for molest etc. What if pepper spray is legal? Suka suka they spray, then how?
Create your own concoction of pepper spray.
Ground pepper seeds, mix with half teaspoon of coke and add a little of garlic chilli. Mix well and place into a small spray-able bottle for use. Cheers.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
krav maga is just a sports martial arts and not good enough for a rough and ready street fight.keenwong might as well bring a streetsweeper for protection.
krav maga is being used by elite forces of my countries.
its not a sports martial arts.
In singapore we use curry powder, chilli powder, or white pepper powder. The same is used by robbers.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
krav maga is just a sports martial arts and not good enough for a rough and ready street fight.keenwong might as well bring a streetsweeper for protection.
can use a handful of sand, a rock, a stick, keys, fingernails into eyes, stilletto shoes..
hmm.. just like Krav Maga
Originally posted by Keenweng2001:Few days back , my female friend who is visiting to singapore carrying a pepper spray and the item was stop by the singapore custom officer , saying that this is a prohibited item and the iteam was taken by the officer.
Most of us know pepper spray is an prohibited item , but does anyone know what can a female use to protect themself in singapore ? come across below webpage.
Do we need pepper spray ? where to buy ?What is the alternative ? Does government promise for zero crime rate after so may development project have been conducted in singapore ?
Please comments:
No govt or police force can promise zero crime rate.
Either learn martial arts and be proficient enough to use it when the time comes...or scream...call police...and pray that they arrive before anything real bad happens.
How did you female friend carry a fire extingusher equivalent size pepperspray over? Much less for personal protection around?
Did you learn wing chun from ip man ?
Last time, when i attended the police academy open house, the police gave me a police whistle and mist spray, I asked for electric shocker, but they said that is ban in Singapore. Till today, i am carry those item in my bag, but frankly, i have never use it before, cos so far, no attacker on sight.
There is no such thing as no crimes, or zero crime rate, even gracious and good society like Swiss also have crimes. I would said, crime rate is low here and most are for money rather than for body. There are lots of detergent and chemical spray you can get it over the counter, so, why u need a pepper spray, i made my own acid spray that can blind a man in second. Pepper not strong enuf, only make them sneeze
So how do you protect yourself if the robber/rapist/molester used the pepper spray on you 1st?
It is very dangerous IMO to have a defensive item that can be equally offensive.
Might as well we carry guns around.
aim, kick, there.
Originally posted by FireIce:aim, kick, there.
Can I aim kick there on you, aunty FireIce, to demostrate?
Singapore is a relatively safe place as compared to other countries....
If Pepper sprays are obtainable off the shelves, there will definitely be more robberies !
If you really need to carry alternative spray in your handbags..., you can try this...
Mosquitoes season too !!! Multi-task !
usually no time to be digging into handbag for pepper spray
so just kick.
even anyhow kick oso can.
Kenna raped liao still got time dig for some fancy spray ? And ya, stun gun or electric gun is dangerous. Some rapist taking that and raping girls
So cool
Originally posted by FireIce:usually no time to be digging into handbag for pepper spray
so just kick.
even anyhow kick oso can.
like this la... kick until the guy jialat >___>
>> Tae Kwon Do girl beat off criminal in lift @
from 自� become 蓄�谋�????
Originally posted by FireIce:from 自� become 蓄�谋�????
the guy suay la... was looking at her XLB instead of her black belt...