I've been notcing some white boys think every asian slut wants them. You know what, you're right! Being that Singapore is a "whitewashed" SEA country run by the Chinese, who took over for "Great Really? Britain", it's not really a shocker that the Chinese women of Singapore would kneel down to their former white masters and serve them proper. Props to all the Yankees, Wankers, Roos, and the rest of the EU bitches doing they thing. Just don't get it twisted by thinking it really has to do with your dashing white features or that extraordinary charm only your mother could love. When you're white and you go to a whitewashed asian country like Singapore, or the Phillipines, you gotta except that kind of brainwashed mentality. Try that shit in a country like Korea or Thailand, and see if your batting average goes up. Gotta hand it to those Thais, while some may show interest by looking your way, most normal self-respecting Thai girls could give a crap if you were white and dying to save them from... what was it you guys are always try to save them from? Look white boys, y'all can do your thing, but don't forget why that's even possible in the first place.
I'm a little surprised why local Singapore guys shit on the local girls so much. Why are you guys importing farm girls from Vietnam for marriage? Last I checked, the average Singapore girl was smokin' hot. WTF can't you grow some testes and put your ho in check when need be. Stop the incessant whining that she wouldn't know how to cook and clean for your geriatric parents and start being a man who knows how to pee standing up. Is that even possible for some of you? Jeez, it's no wonder some Singapore girls act the way they do.
then again, it is rather interesting when one can attract white and brown girls but not yellows... what does that say about the chinese girls again?
This thread sucks and I hereby declare a change in topic, we shall talk about pretty laced ribbon from now on.
and the purpose of this thread?
Relax fellas. I'm not trying to stir shit- I'm just trying to understand somethings about your country. I have plenty of white friends, so I'm not knocking them either. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do- no hatin' on the playas.
Some Singapore girls- not all but the ones who are outta control- why are most of them Chinese? And what the hell happened to them that they turned into a wannabe Paris Hiltons? Were they spoiled rotten? If so, then you can blame bad parenting. But for an asian country, some of these girls seem to have picked up a lot of bad american habits.
Some white boys have an asian fetish, some white boys just want to busta nutt, and there are others who believe they can get away from fat-ass, whiny white girls who can't do shit- by hooking up with a docile asian girl who they believe to be subservient. Most of the time, that's all smoke and mirrors. Since chances are, that asian girl you thought was obedient turns into a fem nazi on roids.
ThunderFbolt: I hear what your'e saying. Those chinese girls are just being delusional bitches. They think they'll find prince fucken charming when they're still 43y/o. I love how some of these girls seek out white guys to date, but when they see an asian guy with a white girl, they get all twitchy and give you that stupid look. What's up with that?
There is literally billions of fish in the sea.
just because you havent been out of singapore doesnt mean you have to diss white guys
if you didnt know, asians in white country's are getting more pussy than an average white guy there
I came across these materials which talks about how to pick girls up . I wonder if it works on Singaporean girls too. Seems like the stuff written inside are tactics normally employed by white guys on girls. Stuff which me as an asian man is too bo chi to try out. :P
to me, its all will come naturally ^^. At first, baby dont know how to walk right but then as age grows the baby will know how to walk again. It just takes time ^^. First the guys will like really nervous and wont talk then as more friends u hang out with the more active u get. so u can tackle those girls anytime hahas ^^
I think Sg men need to flash a lot of Cs in order to get a girl~
I think white men only 1 C will do... which is..................
u knw wat..........
once i was querrling with mine gf and she said
i can go up and find any white guy.thats the mentality for some of the girls here
white equal better.
that pissed the shit out of me......... i asked her to fark off and stoped contecting her for a wk LOL
in end she still came back to me and apologise,after all i am the one who paid her sch fees,she should not bite the hand that feed her
[quote] Put a ho in check??[/quote]
Are you living in the 1950's? We should put you pricks in check!
And no we are not here to take care and clean up after YOUR parents! They are YOUR responsibility!
wah aha.. I think one of the Cs is CB which man dont have.. :P
does it really matter dat much that guys have to stand or sit to pee? lol?
I am all for interracial dating be it with whoever and whatever.. I would like to comment on something .this is for real and I dont make this one up .. I have encounter this so many times and i just to let this one out.. I notice that local women especially chinese women are very hiao when they are seen walking hand in hand with a white or angmoh guy.. in my mind, it's like i dont care or upset if i see them walking or making out infront of me..it''s none of my business.. it's no more a novelty or anything unusual about white guys with asian women. this is 21 st century.. year 2012 so time to be more open minded.
What amuse me most is I see quite a lot of chinese women when they are walking with white guys, they will make snide remarks to their boyfriends about other women or gay people. I find this is a turnoff and it shows that they are insecure .. and for what reason , i have no idea.. As a gay person, i have no interest in straight guys even he is white or hot because we dont share anything in common sexually... period..but a lot of local chinese women think that gay men are pants chasers and think that white men are a premium breed.. These chinese women would try to make fun of gay people because they are even paranoid that gay men would hit on their white 'trophy'.
I am serious.. so friggin amusing ...my eyes and ears are sharp so i can see and hear clearly.. One incident I want to relate with you all. i was walking along bugis junction one day minding my own business..I have pair of eyes and they let me see what is infront of me and of course there is no other way but to look infront. and from far, i notice a white guy with chinese lady....no big deal.. i can see that the chinese girl whisper to the white guy to kiss her..I personally dont care... and they walked pass by.. and i can hear the white guy mentioned to her chinese girlfriend " he didnt even look at us" .... like whats the big deal about a white guy kissing asian women... do i need to get jealous? i dont feel a turn-on or anything stimulating... there are similar real life incidents.... like this chinese women would instigate their white boyfriends that gay people here want to check out their boyfriends out and at same time mock gay people whom have nothing to do with them. for me, i wont respond to this nonsensical morons because i wont stoop low to this immature behavior but i find this chinese women need to be more open minded .. its not about whom you date .. and if this is the mentality and characteristic, i personally find its a turn off ... that would translate as insecurity and inconfident..
I am a white man as you put it, and i have travelled through Asia many times... I am currenty applying for PR in Singapore...
I think more and more Singapore guys are "importing girls" as you put it, is cos they are more submissive... Singapore girls are more independent which makes them act more like a guy, which makes them less attractive...
But once they got a ring on there finger, then in time they become less submissive...
As for white guys thinking "every asian slut wants them", well i know some of them can be few of themselves... Not only that but most "white guys" over in Singapore are high earners as there have been imported by the Singapore gov to work over there as skilled workers...
With money, you get over coxy... So you can see why some people act this way!!!
Usually they will say we, Asians' "ahem" are smaller than theirs thus asian girls want them but why they can't get girls of their race? Is it because they have "ahem" that are consider small to their own people? Lol.
Think about it, the size is affected by environmental factors and the food you take, so what is considered small is big to another person. So can we conclude that some of the "white" guys who aggressively seek Asian girls do so because they are ashamed of themselves?
But I agree with Wills, women tend to look for high earners cause it guarantee them a financially secured married life.
omg stop being silly,size isn't the most important factor.wats important is that the white man know how to approach a women which i must give the credit to them