whts the sg gal think abt PDA [only sg gal reply]
Originally posted by Dhina24prakash:whts the sg gal think abt PDA [only sg gal reply]
PDA? palmtop? O2 phone? iphone?
LOL!!! PDA......its O2
so common, almost everywhere can see..
too mild
means wat?
outdoor s3x?
You could go to jail in Israel...
Or be fined in Malaysia.
if just a peck on the lip or cheek, shd be ok..
but no french kiss, or groping here n ter.. all these are to be done privately.
if just a peck on the lip or cheek, shd be ok..
but no french kiss, or groping here n ter.. all these are to be done privately.
Some people get a kick out of PDAs.
They enjoy the thrill of people watching them frenching and groping & XXX
Originally posted by dotaro:Some people get a kick out of PDAs.
They enjoy the thrill of people watching them frenching and groping & XXX
those are attention seekers la..
its other ppl business, they want to show its ok for them why nt ok for us leh?
But I have seen, abiet overseas, ang-mohs frenching before they bid goodbye in train stations or before they leave the house...I think that is okay in Singapore too...
Ok what nothing really wrong unless it's gropping and stuff.
they grope and kiss so be it lor
we watch them do it lor
Originally posted by thehappybunny:they grope and kiss so be it lor
we watch them do it lor
haha and drink a cup of coffee is it?
I only french outside wun grope here or there
+1 thread...