So a person who does nothing is evil?Originally posted by photo_seeker:Evil is done when people refuse to do good for others...
God forcing His way through your life by threatening you.Originally posted by photo_seeker:Preacher are everywhere cos God gave the commandment, " Go and make disciple of man". In Christianity, punishment is about broken relationship with God. The commandment is already there, "Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind." Thus, it's God's commandment that we love Him and not have a broken relationship with Him by denying Christ. Lastly, punishment in hell is according to how you lived. There will be different degrees of seperation, isoliation and emptiness in hell. And hell is a seperation and banishment from God. Does all these answers your question ? God did leave you on your own. Whether you decide to pick up the cross and follow Jesus anotx if on your own decission. God didn't force His way through your life. How you explain God forcing His way through your life ?
no offence also guys...but dude i thinking along the same lines...but to convince the ppl of the world there is onli one GOD is something like talking to the one will buy it(sadly enoughOriginally posted by veryhigh:God forcing His way through your life by threatening you.
If you dun follow Him, you will be banished into enternal hell instead of eternal life.
Wasn't God trying to force His way through your life ?
No bias to whatever religons but dun you think that afterall there is only ONE God ? Basically, all the religons are teaching the WAY of GOOD ? let takes the Major 4 Religons, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chirstian and Muslim, wasn't their teaching that will lead to the same goal(TO BE GOOD and NOT FOLLOW THE DEVIL(EVIL,DEMON,etc) BUT THE GOD)? If there is really GOD, then there will be only ONE GOD be it any of the 4 religons but all will eventually lead to only ONE supreme GOD.
Another Scene
Lets says a Very Wise man(might have supernatural powers), feels that mankind need a strong belief, in order to survive in this world(war raging world, mankind are like a bunch of barbarians) and make up the whole story of Jesus with a group of man who share the belief as the Very wise man. And they created the whole stage play and make the ppl believe there is god. Afterall, at that time, there are also other religons that is around, so why not create another one ? And how Jesus come back to life ? it could be that Very wise man's twin brother...
Just a thought that came into my mindno offences
eh..yah rite....but your believe in one god sae the truth alot of my christian friends don buy it....laugh at me instead...sae i toking cock...but wth...Originally posted by jc32258:To all Christians, from a Christian. This thread just shows what happens when you try to evangilize online. The amount of questions that can come in is frustrating because even though we can answer them, people will not remain convinced and continue pinpointing other supposed "fallacies" here and there. It is difficult to evangelize random strangers without the proper training and materials. That is why we are encouraged to spread the word to our friends instead.
In anycase, regarding the evolutions theory, can anyone explain how something like the eye evolved? You can't evolve the retina, optic nerve or cornea step by step. You gotta evolve the whole thing at one go which is impossible, since it is made up of many parts that will not work alone. Evolution is step by step, so that an organism can better survive, right?So how can the eye evolve in one simple step?
Some people say the fact that we have useless organs like the appendix or coccyx(tail bone), proves that they were left over from our ancestors, when they were useful. However, that is untrue as the appendix is now proven to prevent mucinuous tumours in the ovaries. They also aid digestion and participate actively in the lymphatic system. The coccyx is a critical point of muscle attachment nesscessary for an upright posture.
Carbon dating, used to date the age of fossils are also fundamentally flawed due to a slew of factors, such as the surge in carbon emissions during the industrial revolution and because different species absorb different amounts of C-14.
In anycase, don't bother arguing about the evolution theory. Just search online on Google or something. There is a huge debate out there which still hasn't been solved.
Oh and one more thing, God does not force his way in your life. A threat is "an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage", God isn't threatening to send you to hell dude. It's about your choice. Do you choose to ACCEPT, not follow, God? If you accept him, you accept his personal invitation to enter heaven. If you refuse him, you refuse his invitation to heaven. Veryhigh, you have no idea what religions are about... In anycase, I hope to rectify some of your misunderstandings. No doubt there'll probably be a lot more questions after this but I won't answer them here. You can e-mail me at [email protected] if you seriously want answers.
Btw Lance_Han, how many Catholics are there in the World? 1.1 Billion.
How many Muslims in the world?1.3billion.
My point? They both believe in one god.
Btw, there are 6 Billion people in the world and Catholics is only a section of Christianity, which means that there are many more...
Wow... Sounds like you had a bad hair day.Originally posted by the.raven:Philosophy sux. I studied philosophy this semester, phew, exam was 2 days ago, the bore is finally over. I skipped all my classes except the first 2 classes because my professor was a bore, and the material is all BS.
then in the classes I attend, I find that there is always some smart ass who suddenly raises up his hand and asks some question to challenge the professor. I hate this, there was once I shouted "Shut up!!" in the second class when some dude was arguing something about whether we know something is happening just because we see it and hear it happening before our eyes. Holy Shit, like I care. wow, it is raining outside, but how do I know its raining? maybe it is not really raining? wow what BS. Philosophy is retarded.
Really, I hate people who speak up in class, those are the smartasses. who cares about your views? why dont you teacher the class instead? people dont pay school fees to go to school and listen to you talk nonsense. and the Professor really should tell that guy to shut up, or answer his question with irrelevant confusing words so that the guy gets confused and shut up. but not that I care. humanities suck.
Anyway..a peaceful exchange of ideas, u r free to express ideas, but we need respect.Originally posted by color ghost:da truth is...da professor is dumb la...he ask dis kind of question seemed juvenile and in despo denial of religion. da whole prof-student thing is a stage up at "how to answer to da average non-believer answer".
sorli ah..i dun believe in god..i like my kwanyin more.![]()
I think the bibile is not divine ...Originally posted by donttrustu:<>
Ah...! And who to judge what is good! And who to judge what is bad!
The "holy book" does not answer all questions, it is a guide at best, and even as a guide, it is increasingly found lacking as humanity move forward. The book contains factual errors proving the ignorance of the knowledge of the world. Errors that proves he is not all knowing, errors that questions his very ability to communicate with God.
He is a MAN who rose to provide "Emotional Opium" for the suffering masses at best, and a conman at worst. Nothing more, nothing less!
Wooohhh ...Originally posted by photo_seeker:God after creating Adam and Eve, they sin and God make them to go through the suffering of giving birth. The off springs of them were spread throughout the earth by God and some of them turned away from God. Thus the issue of many races.
+1Originally posted by AMD2004:Anyway..a peaceful exchange of ideas, u r free to express ideas, but we need respect.
I also can say the same thing. U believe in karma, u believe in kwanyin and buddha? 5 questions for u
1) have u, in any senses feel kwan yin and buddha???
2) what exactly is buddhism? Some pray kwan yin, some dont believe, some burn money believe it will reach hell, and hell is a place u can drive car and some done? some believe in Heaven God some dont, u will all say taoism and culture, but let me tell u something, when being asked, those ppl will say that they are buddhist. And buddhist should only believe in Buddha, but then why i saw alot of kwan yin statue around also? buddist is just not coherent. If it is culture, and logically the money dont reach hell ( do u need science to proove), so WHY DONT EDUCATE THEM. THESE THINGS ARENT CHEAP.
3) you pray to buddha and kwan yin, but u dun believe they are God, then what makes u think prayers would reach them? they alive until now? u see them? I thought u regard him as only a teacher? Aren't u praying to Buddha like praying to God?? just dun wan to admit that he is God. ( Buddha nvr say that he is God, but the way u treat him, more than a teacher. U pray, u kneel is ok, but u pray)
4) Karma? so is karma scientifically proven? no of humans life + animal 8000 years ago = today? conservation of life??
5) Believe in Nature? so WHAt is nature? nature can decide u become Buddha and u r not? hence nature can think? Nature can judge ur karma? so waht is nature? If karma is nature, i tell u what, Mother Theressa becomes Buddha already because she is so kind hearted and nice. If nature only decide by heart.
I dont usually post such a thread regarding religion, but i HATE it when they say christian is not scientifically proven, and the non-existing of God theory, AS IF their Buddha existence is SCIENTIFICALLY proven and thier Kwan Yin is being sensed by human senses. Is there any difference in PROVING the existence of Buddha and God? no right, so is just by faith. So pls dun mention that God is not scientifically proven , as if Buddha is scientifically proven.
Thank You
Hmmm...Originally posted by Weirdo80:There is only one "race" - and that is the human race. The various tones of color are due to the pigmentation of melanin in our skin.
Adam and Eve were the same color. The Bible doesn't state if they were white, brown, or yellow... and it doesn't really matter.
Any children Adam and Eve had, would also be that color.
But when you separate a group of people, and are limited to those genes, some physical traits become more apparent. These traits are then passed on to their offspring.
Because of mans wickedness, God confused their languages at the Tower of Babel.
Small groups of people with the same language would stay together, build colonies, and procreate.
Over time the differences in physical appearance would be more prominent, and their skin would appear as different shades or colors. These are determined by many factors, including the environment. Don't you notice that races indigenous to warmer climates have more melanin than those from cooler climates?[/img]
Guang yin & Buddha same... Just that they work in different department...Originally posted by AMD2004:Anyway..a peaceful exchange of ideas, u r free to express ideas, but we need respect.
I also can say the same thing. U believe in karma, u believe in kwanyin and buddha? 5 questions for u
1) have u, in any senses feel kwan yin and buddha???
2) what exactly is buddhism? Some pray kwan yin, some dont believe, some burn money believe it will reach hell, and hell is a place u can drive car and some done? some believe in Heaven God some dont, u will all say taoism and culture, but let me tell u something, when being asked, those ppl will say that they are buddhist. And buddhist should only believe in Buddha, but then why i saw alot of kwan yin statue around also? buddist is just not coherent. If it is culture, and logically the money dont reach hell ( do u need science to proove), so WHY DONT EDUCATE THEM. THESE THINGS ARENT CHEAP.
3) you pray to buddha and kwan yin, but u dun believe they are God, then what makes u think prayers would reach them? they alive until now? u see them? I thought u regard him as only a teacher? Aren't u praying to Buddha like praying to God?? just dun wan to admit that he is God. ( Buddha nvr say that he is God, but the way u treat him, more than a teacher. U pray, u kneel is ok, but u pray)
4) Karma? so is karma scientifically proven? no of humans life + animal 8000 years ago = today? conservation of life??
5) Believe in Nature? so WHAt is nature? nature can decide u become Buddha and u r not? hence nature can think? Nature can judge ur karma? so waht is nature? If karma is nature, i tell u what, Mother Theressa becomes Buddha already because she is so kind hearted and nice. If nature only decide by heart.
I dont usually post such a thread regarding religion, but i HATE it when they say christian is not scientifically proven, and the non-existing of God theory, AS IF their Buddha existence is SCIENTIFICALLY proven and thier Kwan Yin is being sensed by human senses. Is there any difference in PROVING the existence of Buddha and God? no right, so is just by faith. So pls dun mention that God is not scientifically proven , as if Buddha is scientifically proven.
Thank You
Crazy ideas, you have, my young padawan. Read more and you will be enlightened. Nothing you have stated is part of Buddhism. And to you, only Buddhism and Christianity exist eh? Bigotry at its best.Originally posted by AMD2004:Anyway..a peaceful exchange of ideas, u r free to express ideas, but we need respect.
I also can say the same thing. U believe in karma, u believe in kwanyin and buddha? 5 questions for u
1) have u, in any senses feel kwan yin and buddha???
2) what exactly is buddhism? Some pray kwan yin, some dont believe, some burn money believe it will reach hell, and hell is a place u can drive car and some done? some believe in Heaven God some dont, u will all say taoism and culture, but let me tell u something, when being asked, those ppl will say that they are buddhist. And buddhist should only believe in Buddha, but then why i saw alot of kwan yin statue around also? buddist is just not coherent. If it is culture, and logically the money dont reach hell ( do u need science to proove), so WHY DONT EDUCATE THEM. THESE THINGS ARENT CHEAP.
3) you pray to buddha and kwan yin, but u dun believe they are God, then what makes u think prayers would reach them? they alive until now? u see them? I thought u regard him as only a teacher? Aren't u praying to Buddha like praying to God?? just dun wan to admit that he is God. ( Buddha nvr say that he is God, but the way u treat him, more than a teacher. U pray, u kneel is ok, but u pray)
4) Karma? so is karma scientifically proven? no of humans life + animal 8000 years ago = today? conservation of life??
5) Believe in Nature? so WHAt is nature? nature can decide u become Buddha and u r not? hence nature can think? Nature can judge ur karma? so waht is nature? If karma is nature, i tell u what, Mother Theressa becomes Buddha already because she is so kind hearted and nice. If nature only decide by heart.
I dont usually post such a thread regarding religion, but i HATE it when they say christian is not scientifically proven, and the non-existing of God theory, AS IF their Buddha existence is SCIENTIFICALLY proven and thier Kwan Yin is being sensed by human senses. Is there any difference in PROVING the existence of Buddha and God? no right, so is just by faith. So pls dun mention that God is not scientifically proven , as if Buddha is scientifically proven.
Thank You
Thanks for your offering to answer my question by providing email, anyway i have lots of chirstian frenz around me. It is true that i know nuts about chirstian, and yea, it is the power of chioce... so let say if you believe me i give you ONE Million $$ and if you don't, you will stay poor. or should i call this as temptation ? (that doesn't sound like being forced)so another word, if you accept me, you accept my invitation of getting ONE Million richer and if you dun, you refuse my invitation. Hmm... Interesting ... :pOriginally posted by jc32258:Oh and one more thing, God does not force his way in your life. A threat is "an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage", God isn't threatening to send you to hell dude. It's about your choice. Do you choose to ACCEPT, not follow, God? If you accept him, you accept his personal invitation to enter heaven. If you refuse him, you refuse his invitation to heaven. Veryhigh, you have no idea what religions are about... In anycase, I hope to rectify some of your misunderstandings. No doubt there'll probably be a lot more questions after this but I won't answer them here. You can e-mail me at [email protected] if you seriously want answers.
And taoist and buddhism, there isn't a clear line between these two religion, ppl from taoist believe kwanyin and buddhism also believe kwanyin. And also, Hinduism also believe in kwan yin. So in a way seems like all the religions are linked some how. And Buddhism is orginated from india. hmm....this one is called new age ideas.. alot of churches dun like it because they deem other gods as demons and angels, or wadever else.
Kwan yin, Buddha .. in taoist and buddhism context, they are also known as GOD... therefore there are some misinterpretation of the GOD.
In christian, GOD in chinese pronounced as "Shen", basically the same word as taoist and buddhism when addressing kwan yin and buddha (In General).
So what is the difference with this GOD or that GOD ? All is the same, just in different context.
Dun really like the idea of mocking other religions ...Originally posted by Ito_^:i remember my pastor blasted against it more den a year ago, he made fun of em by mimicking the "ommmmmmmm" sound that people make during meditation to "become one with the universe", those new age stuff la.