Wonder how sentiment runs on this topic?
Negative and positive comments welcome
blondes unwelcome in singapore? no spark? no lust? no attraction? no feelings? not candid? only to be frowned on? disapproved? unthinkable? fear and only compliant with peers' views?
only semantics, no emotions?
the blonde race is dead! long rest..........
lets leave that fear behind and express our inner thoughts lets not be dogmatic. lets put it out. either we like or we don't like. there is no middle ground. or is there? so come out from the closet and speak your mind.
I don't know about other Singapore men, because my views are not what you'd call typical.
But I do think that Asians with bleached hair look strange. It's just a personal opinion.
i think we are referring to caucasian blondes........
there's no typical individual. the sum of all singaporeans make a typical (Singaporean) guy.
it depends, but my male classmates kinda like blondes.
and they are only 13
Originally posted by Jiani:it depends, but my male classmates kinda like blondes.
Is that about sexual fantasy... or the new fad in hair coloring?
Originally posted by Aneslayer:Is that about sexual fantasy... or the new fad in hair coloring?
those in room
Originally posted by Jiani:those in room
??? What room?
Originally posted by Aneslayer:??? What room?
I only speak in a PG manner, well, without clothes.
Originally posted by Rrrsnider:the sum of all singaporeans make a typical (Singaporean) guy.
Nope, that would be the mean, median or mode depending on your predilection.
Back to match class with you.
Gedanken, we are agreed. the habits of all is what identifies someone from that population. how one condenses that analysis of the population to the average man/woman is mean, median, s.d., mean, most common, etc........
Originally posted by Rrrsnider:Gedanken, we are agreed. the habits of all is what identifies someone from that population. how one condenses that analysis of the population to the average man/woman is mean, median, s.d., mean, most common, etc........
Take your hand off it - we're in no way agreed. What kind of mean are yopu going to get by asking people for qualitative data?
Originally posted by Jiani:
I only speak in a PG manner, well, without clothes.