我們有沒經æ·é�Žé€™ç¨®æƒ…æ³�,當我們在廈門用閩å�—語å�‘別人說話時,別人毫ä¸�猶豫的用普通話來回ç”,然後我們å�ªå¥½ç”¨æ™®é€šè©±ç¹¼çºŒé€²è¡Œäº¤è«‡ã€‚é€™å…¶å¯¦æ˜¯ä¸€ç¨®è»Ÿæš´åŠ›ï¼Œè®“ä½ ä¸�å¾—ä¸�放棄自己原本的第一語言,轉而使用別人熟悉的語言。當然,如果別人剛來閩å�—,ä¸�熟悉當地語言,這情有å�¯åŽŸã€‚但目å‰�的情æ³�是,ä¸�但他們來了廈門很多年ä¾�然ä¸�肯說閩å�—語,而且他們的å°�å©å�也ä¸�肯說閩å�—語,最å�¯æ€•çš„是,連閩å�—人的下一代也以為閩å�—èªžæ˜¯ä¸€é–€æ²’ç”¨çš„èªžè¨€ï¼Œæ ¹æœ¬ç„¡éœ€å†�å¸ã€‚
這樣的轉變,是怎樣開始的?當然,幾å��è�¬ã€�上百è�¬çš„移民人å�£èµ·äº†å¾ˆå¤§å½±éŸ¿ã€‚但是,廈門也至少有一百多è�¬ä»¥é–©å�—語為第一語言的人å�£ï¼Œé‚£ç•¶å‰�é–©å�—語ã€�æ™®é€šè©±çš„å ´å�ˆæ˜¯äº”五開的嗎?ä¸�是,å�¯ä»¥èªªé–©å�—èªžçš„å ´å�ˆé� 少於普通話的。普通話就åƒ�å��莊一樣,掌æ�¡äº†å…¬é–‹å ´å�ˆã€�æœ�å‹™å ´å�ˆã€�å¸æ ¡ã€�社å�€ç‰å ´å�ˆã€‚如æ¤ä¸‹åŽ»ï¼Œä¸�出一代人,閩å�—語就會在這片生å˜äº†è¶…é�Žä¸€å�ƒå¹´çš„土地上消失。
ã€�讓閩å�—語å��ä¸�æ£ã€�言ä¸�é †ã€‘
é–©å�—語長期被矮化æˆ�“方言”,讓很多人覺得閩å�—語是從屬於普通話的一種語言。然而事實是,閩å�—語的白讀音å�¯è¿½æº¯åˆ°æ™‰ä»£ï¼Œæ–‡è®€éŸ³å�¯è¿½æº¯éš‹å”�時期,至今超é�Žä¸€å�ƒå¹´æ·å�²ï¼Œè¨±å¤šå�¤ç±�用閩å�—語朗讀都比普通話朗讀押韻ã€�é€šé †å¾ˆå¤šï¼ˆå¦‚å¶½é£›çš„ã€Šæ»¿æ±Ÿç´…ã€‹ç‰ï¼‰ï¼Œæ—¥èªžã€�韓語ã€�甚至泰語ã€�越å�—語的很多è¾å½™ç™¼éŸ³éƒ½è·Ÿé–©å�—語å��分接近,而並ä¸�æ˜¯æŽ¥è¿‘æ–¼æ™®é€šè©±ï¼Œå› ç‚ºé–©å�—語承襲更多的ä¸åœ‹å�¤ä»£èªžè¨€ï¼Œè€Œæ™®é€šè©±å‰‡æ˜¯å¤§ç´„200多年å‰�æ‰�從é�¼å¯§çš„瀋陽被滿人帶入北京內城,並以之作為所謂漢語標準推å�‘全國的。
由於滿語沒有音調,而且跟漢語差別甚大,所以普通話也å�ªå‰©ä¸‹4個è�²èª¿ä»¥å�Šå‡ºç�¾äº†å¾ˆå¤šè¼•è�²ï¼ˆå�³éŸ³èª¿ä¸Ÿå¤±ï¼Œå¦‚房å�ã€�車å�)的情æ³�。很多表é�”æ–¹å¼�,普通話也跟漢æ—�原本的表é�”有所ä¸�å�Œï¼Œä½†é–©å�—語以å�Šä¸€äº›å…¶ä»–所謂“方言”å�»å®Œæ•´ä¿�å˜è‘—漢語的表é�”。這些常è˜ç�¾åœ¨éƒ½å�¯ä»¥é€šé�Žå�„種途徑查得到。æ£æ˜¯æœ‰äº†é€™ç¨®çŸ®åŒ–方言的宣傳,使我們ä¸�敢使用自己的è¾å½™ï¼Œæ¯”如ä¸�敢說食飯,å�ªæ•¢èªªå�ƒé£¯ï¼Œä¸�敢說行é�Žï¼Œå�ªæ•¢èªªèµ°é�Žï¼Œå�»ä¸�知é�“食ã€�è¡Œç‰çœ¾å¤šé–©å�—語è¾å½™åœ¨æ¸…æœ�以å‰�已經在ä¸åœ‹æµ�行了數å�ƒå¹´ï¼Œå› 為連我們自己都覺得閩å�—語就是å��ä¸�æ£ã€�言ä¸�é †ã€‚
閩�語為�語的人 -> 閩�語為�語的人 (閩�語交�)
�願說普通話的人 -> 閩�語為�語的人 (普通話交�)
閩�語為�語的人 -> �願說普通話的人 (普通話交�)
�願說普通話的人 -> �願說普通話的人 (普通話交�)
也就是說,在日常生活ä¸ï¼Œå�ªæœ‰1/4機會是å�¯ä»¥ç”¨åˆ°é–©å�—語的。之å‰�æ��到廈門雖然閩å�—語人士和普通話人士比例å�¯èƒ½æ˜¯ä¸€å�Šä¸€å�Šï¼Œä½†æˆ‘們å�¯ä»¥æ˜Žé¡¯æ„Ÿè¦ºåˆ°ï¼Œä½¿ç”¨é–©å�—語的機會是é� é� å°‘æ–¼æ™®é€šè©±çš„ã€‚é‚£æ˜¯å› ç‚ºæˆ‘å€‘è‡ªå·±çš„è…¦è£¡å·²ç¶“è¢«æ³¨å…¥äº†ä¿¡è™Ÿï¼šèªªé–©å�—語,會ä¸�å°Šé‡�那些說普通話的人。
æ²’æœ‰ï¼Œå› ç‚ºé–©å�—語就是“方言”,就是次一級的語言,甚至是“家鄉土話”。
廈門會å†�出ç�¾ä¸€å€‹ç´€å�¯å…‰å—Žï¼Ÿä¸�æœƒï¼Œå› ç‚ºæ ¹æœ¬ä¸�用。閩å�—語的退化是全方ä½�的,çŸçŸå¹¾å¹´é–“,廈門已經失去了大部分閩å�—語å�¯ä»¥ç”Ÿå˜çš„空間。今天是廈門,明天就是泉州ã€�漳州整個大閩å�—地å�€ï¼�
一ã€� å¾žå…¬é–‹å ´å�ˆæ¶ˆæ»…é–©å�—語
由於以上所æ��到的“方言”宣傳政ç–,很多人覺得,講閩å�—語是ä¸�å°Šé‡�人的,講普通話是尊é‡�人的,閩å�—èªžæ˜¯æ¬¡ä¸€ç´šçš„èªžè¨€ï¼Œæ™®é€šè©±æ˜¯åœ‹å®¶æ¨™æº–æ¼¢èªžã€‚æ‰€ä»¥ä»»ä½•å…¬é–‹å ´å�ˆï¼ŒåŒ…括電視臺,我們都主動或被迫放棄了閩å�—語。
二ã€� 從æœ�å‹™å ´å�ˆæ¶ˆæ»…é–©å�—語
大約從2000年起,大多æœ�å‹™å ´æ‰€ã€�商店ã€�æœ�務熱線,閩å�—語çª�然ä¸�å†�æ˜¯ç¬¬ä¸€èªžè¨€ï¼Œåˆ¥äººç¬¬ä¸€æ™‚é–“è·Ÿä½ èªªçš„éƒ½æ˜¯æ™®é€šè©±ï¼Œæˆ‘å€‘å�ªæœ‰å�·å�·æ‘¸æ‘¸çš„嘗試用閩å�—語來交談。當然,從æœ�務人員的角度,å�ªä½¿ç”¨ä¸€ç¨®èªžè¨€å�¯ä»¥è®“工作更簡單,å�Œæ™‚,很多æœ�務人員自己覺得,å��æ£ä½ 會è�½æ™®é€šè©±ï¼Œè·Ÿä½ èªªæ™®é€šè©±ä½ ä¹Ÿæ²’æ‰€è¬‚ã€‚
å�Œæ™‚,很多æœ�務員都是來自閩å�—的打工仔女,他們把普通話當å�šä¸€ç¨®è„«é›¢è¾²æ�‘的象徵,他們ä¸�想å†�帶有自己的鄉音,他們希望ç�²å¾—和城市人平ç‰çš„身份。而普通話燃亮了這個希望。然而,他們ä¸�知é�“,當年å�Œç‚ºé–©å�—人的陳嘉庚ç‰è«¸å¤šå‰�程先輩,就是在閩å�—語的交æµ�下出人é 地,繼而為廈門,乃至ä¸åœ‹æ•™è‚²äº‹æ¥å¸¶ä¾†äº†æ–°çš„曙光。閩å�—語ä¸�是å�ªå±¬æ–¼é–©å�—人的,他們的é�é�‡ï¼Œä¸�是閩å�—語帶給他們的,他們需è¦�的公平,也ä¸�是說普通話就å�¯ä»¥ç�²å¾—的。
三� 從�朋�身上消滅閩�語
ä½ èº«é‚Šæœ‰å¤šå°‘å°�å©ä¾�然以閩å�—語為第一語言?我自己的觀察,極少ï¼�在很多社å�€è£¡ã€�å°�å¸è£¡ã€�幼稚園裡,普通話都已經æˆ�為了“兒童標準語言”,而閩å�—語,在這些人群身上急速的消失。
å†�åŠ ä¸Šæ‰€æœ‰çš„å¹¼å…’ç¯€ç›®å…¨éƒ¨æ˜¯ä»¥æ™®é€šè©±æ’出,å°�朋å�‹ä¸€å¤©è¶…é�Ž10å°�時是在純普通話環境裡長大。å°�朋å�‹å¾žå°�開始被ç�Œè¼¸ä¸€å€‹è§€å¿µï¼Œä¸åœ‹äººæ‡‰è©²èªªæ™®é€šè©±ï¼Œé–©å�—語是é�Žæ¸¡æ€§èªžè¨€ï¼Œé�²æ—©æ²’人說了。ç�¾åœ¨ï¼Œé€™å€‹äººç¾¤å·²ç¶“上å°�å¸äº†ï¼Œå†�é�Ž10年,他們就會é‚�å�‘工作崗ä½�。
å¸æ ¡ç³»çµ±ï¼ˆSchooling)會消滅當地語言,這已經在世界上無數國家驗è‰é�Žã€‚ç�¾åœ¨ä¸–ç•Œå�„發é�”國家都在努力ä¿�è·è‡ªå·±çš„當地語言,而ä¸åœ‹ï¼Œå‰‡æ‘§æž¯æ‹‰æœ½èˆ¬çš„摧毀ä¸�å�¯å¤šå¾—的傳統文化,實在讓人費解。
ä¸åœ‹ï¼Œæ˜¯å�¦ä»¥å¾Œå°±æ²’有XXçœ�ã€�XX市了,å�ªæœ‰ä¸åœ‹çœ�ã€�ä¸åœ‹å¸‚。我在國外體會很深,很多西方人眼ä¸çš„ä¸åœ‹å°±æ˜¯å…©å€‹ç‰¹é»žï¼Œ1, Cheap labor(廉價勞工)。2, 1.3 billion people(13億人,而且是一模一樣的人)。我們æ¯�個人本來å�„有特色,å�„有特點,但今天我們所å�šçš„,剛好迎å�ˆäº†å¤–國人å°�我們的å�°è±¡ã€‚這有å�¦ä»¤æˆ‘們這個民æ—�å�ˆå¤šäº†ä¸€é‡�悲哀?
其實,ä¸åœ‹è‡ªæ–°ä¸åœ‹æˆ�立之後就沒有了“國語”這個稱呼,而轉而稱之普通話,並放棄了原有的é€�漸用“國語”å�–代當地語言的計畫。所以,ä¸åœ‹ä¸¦æ²’有淩駕於任何語言之上的一種語言。(å�³ä½¿åœ¨è‡ºç�£ï¼Œé–©å�—語和客家語也在å¸æ ¡æ“�有本土語言é�¸ä¿®çš„地ä½�,甚至å°�於那å��幾個原ä½�æ°‘æ°‘æ—�,政府還è¦�派人去他們的å°�å¸æ•™å°�å©è¬›è‡ªå·±çš„æ¯�語。)
普通話之所以æˆ�為當今ä¸æ–‡çš„æ‰€è¬‚æ›¸å¯«æ¨™æº–ï¼Œé‚£æ˜¯å› ç‚ºæ°‘åˆ�時期國民政府以北方官話(普通話)為白話文標準,並推å�‘全國å�–代文言文,所以形æˆ�了我們今天閱讀書寫時的用語,僅æ¤è€Œå·²ã€‚很多人以為閩å�—語ä¸�能書寫,其實閩å�—語å�¯ä»¥æ›¸å¯«ï¼Œä¸¦ä¸”有很多æ·å�²æ·µæº�çš„æ¼¢å—。連韓國都å�¯ä»¥ç™¼æ˜Žä¸€å¥—自己的文å—å�–代漢å—,更何æ³�é–©å�—語本身就是有漢å—的。當å‰�的困境是,閩å�—語å—在社會èª�知程度ä¸�高,å�‡è‹¥å¸æ ¡ä¹ŸæŽ¨å»£é–©å�—語æ£å—,我們的下一代å�Œæ¨£ä¹Ÿå�¯ä»¥ç”¨é–©å�—語æµ�暢的書寫和閱讀。
這幾å��年,ä¸åœ‹çš„å‚³çµ±æ–‡åŒ–ç‚ºä»€éº¼æœƒè¢«æˆ‘å€‘è‡ªå·±è¦ªæ‰‹æ¯€æ»…ï¼Ÿå› ç‚ºå®£å‚³å’Œå�£è™Ÿè®“我們以為它們都是多餘的。這一切,官方承èª�é�Žå—Žï¼Ÿå¾žä¾†æ²’æœ‰ï¼Œå› ç‚ºå®ƒå€‘éƒ½æ˜¯åœ¨å®˜æ–¹ä¸€é‚Šå�¦èª�一邊毀滅的。
ä¿�è·é–©å�—語難度比ä¿�è·ä¸€æ£Ÿé¨Žæ¨“ã€�一座碼é 難度大得多,但它是閩å�—æ–‡åŒ–çš„æ ¸å¿ƒï¼Œä¹Ÿæ˜¯æ–‡åŒ–çš„è¼‰é«”ã€‚é–©å�—語都失去了,閩å�—è�œä¹Ÿå�ªæœƒæ·ªç‚ºéº¥ç•¶å‹žï¼Œé¨Žæ¨“也å�ªæœƒè®Šæˆ�主題公園。
å¦‚æžœä½ ä¹Ÿå¸Œæœ›ç‚ºä¿�è·é–©å�—語作出一份力,以下這幾件事是å��分急需的。
1. 訂立ã€�推廣閩å�—語標準å—形檔和標準拼音。å�Šé–“雖然已經有很多閩å�—語拼音方案,但最具影響力的是å�°ç�£æ•™è‚²éƒ¨é ’佈的”å�°ç�£é–©å�—語羅馬å—拼音方案”。而閩å�—語漢å—æ£å—書寫,å�°ç�£å®˜æ–¹å·²é™¸çºŒé ’佈æ£å—方案,並且長久以來閩ã€�å�°æ°‘間出版眾多典彙都有涉å�Šï¼Œå�¯ä»¥æ±—牛充棟。
2. è£½é€ æ›´å¤šé–©å�—語兒童劇。如å�¡é€šç‰‡ã€�講故事之類,宣æ�šç©�極å�‹å–„çš„æ£é�¢è³‡è¨Šã€‚
3. æ•™è‚²å·¥ä½œè€…å€‘ï¼Œé›–ç„¶å¦‚ä»Šå¤§å¤šæ ¡é•·éƒ½æ˜¯ä¸�懂閩å�—語的空é™�å…µï¼Œä½†ä½ å€‘å°�æ–¼ä¿�è·é–©å�—語起的作用至關é‡�è¦�ã€‚è«‹å¤šè·Ÿä½ å€‘çš„å¸ç”Ÿè¬›é–©å�—語,告訴他們閩å�—語的好處。
4. 我們å�¯ä»¥ç¦®è²Œåœ°è·Ÿåˆ¥äººå¤šè¬›é–©å�—語,其實很多人都è�½å¾—明,也喜æ¡å¸é–©å�—語,講得ä¸�准ä¸�è¦�緊,其實很多人å�ªè¦�幾年時間就說得很æµ�利了。
5. 家長們請多跟å�女講閩å�—èªžï¼Œæ™®é€šè©±çš„æ ¹ä¸�åœ¨å»ˆé–€ï¼Œä½ çš„å�女應該知é�“ä»–/她來自哪里,他/她和其他人有什麼ä¸�å�Œã€‚
我們自己è¦�明白,閩å�—語ä¸�å�ªæ˜¯å»ˆé–€äººçš„語言,也是全天下閩å�—人ã€�å�°ç�£äººçš„語言,更是一種具有國際語言性質的ä¸åœ‹èªžè¨€ã€‚我們ä¸�應拿粗å�£ä¾†æŽ¨å»£é–©å�—語,這樣å�ªæœƒé¡¯å¾—é–©å�—語低俗。其實閩å�—語是一門表é�”精確ã€�æ·å�²æ‚ 久的語言,當今è�²å¾‹èªžã€�泰語ã€�馬來語ã€�å�°å°¼èªžç‰èªžè¨€ç•¶ä¸éƒ½æœ‰è¨±è¨±å¤šå¤šä¾†è‡ªé–©å�—語的借詞,為何我們ä¸�能ä¿�留自己的語言?
也許很多人看é�Žå»£æ�±è”¡å¿—斌先生的å�¦ä¸€ç¯‡æ–‡ç« ,如今的ä¸åœ‹ç¤¾æœƒï¼Œæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹å›šå¾’社會,在囚徒社會裡,人們ä¸�但ä¸�肯施展善æ„�,而且æ¯�å€‹äººéƒ½æœ‰è‘—è² ç½ªæ„Ÿï¼Œæˆ‘å€‘å¿…é ˆè‰æ˜Žä¸€äº›è‡ªå·±æœ¬æ²’錯的事。我們百般無奈的è‰æ˜Žè‡ªå·±ç‚ºä»€éº¼è¦�講閩å�—èªžï¼Œå°±å¦‚ä¸€å€‹äººå¿…é ˆèªªæ˜Žè‡ªå·±ç‚ºä»€éº¼å–œæ¡å�ƒè¾£ï¼Œé‚£æ˜¯å¤šéº¼çš„滑稽。
我們è¦�講閩å�—語,ä¸�æ˜¯å› ç‚ºè€�人家è�½ä¸�懂普通話,也ä¸�代表我們ä¸�å°Šé‡�別人,而是我們在尊é‡�別人的å�Œæ™‚,也希望得到別人的尊é‡�。
ä¿�è·é–©å�—語,就是æ€�考當作為少數派的時候,作為弱勢群體,該如何表é�”自己的æ„�見。閩å�—語這種超é�Žå¹¾å�ƒè�¬äººä½¿ç”¨çš„èªžè¨€éƒ½è¢«æ¶ˆæ»…ï¼Œé‚£éº¼ä½ å’Œæˆ‘ï¼Œç„¡è«–ä½ æ˜¯èªªä»€éº¼è©±çš„ï¼Œé›£é�“還有安全感麼?
厦门 also part of fu jian province?
that said, my far far relatives have invited me over to the ancestrial home in fu jian...
Do they all only speak min nan there? or do they speak chinese too???
Xiamen is in Fujian lah.
It is a very long article. Did not finish reading. Thanks for posting.
Met a xiamen lady. She admitted her hokkien is limited. They communicate in Mandarin. She did not sound interested in hokkien. So sad.
It is a very long article. Did not finish reading. Thanks for posting.
Met a xiamen lady. She admitted her hokkien is limited. They communicate in Mandarin. She did not sound interested in hokkien. So sad.
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:厦门 also part of fu jian province?
that said, my far far relatives have invited me over to the ancestrial home in fu jian...
Do they all only speak min nan there? or do they speak chinese too???
Hallo Acid 姊 (=sister),
Yup, Clivebenss 公公 is absolutely right. 廈門 is in Fujian province, where most Hokkiens pronounce it as Hok-Kien province, thus the etymology of HOKKIEN-LANG (�建人) and HOKKIEN-WEY (�建話).
If you are able to tell me exactly the locality that you are going to, (example: 漳平,永春,晉江,詔安,�岩 etc. etc.), I will be able to tell you almost accurately what type of Hokkien you would be encountering there.
Some of the places may traditionally are not Hokkien-speaking, such as 興化 areas of 莆田,仙游 and so these areas are not Hokkien speakers all along.
However, if your "Far-Far" relatives is inviting you back to ancestral home for the kind of "Trip" that brings you around many many places (and almost touching your real hometown for just a "few hours" only during the whole trip), to purchase "Tea", "Textiles", "see Old Temples", "eat in Restaurants n Restaurants n Restaurants" then I usually held a "Heck Care" regards towards that, because this is what they want you to go back to bring your SouthEast Asian Singapore $$$ to fill up their regional economy down there. The tour guide and the local people will hush you to quickly do your purchase and push you to another shopping site because they all have liased a certain amount of profit-sharing. This is a "Shopping-Trashing" type of overseas-家鄉團 tour-group that is happening to China nowadays.
And these people does not really know the hometown, history and even the history of our Thousand-Year Old Hokkien language well enough to help us preserve the authencity or can make a good meaning out of it.
Only MONEY $$$ is in their eyes, not heritage or culture... Sad and true.
And usually they will speak only Chinese Mandarin to you because they know it is a better way to grab your $$$.
Originally posted by SJS6638:It is a very long article. Did not finish reading. Thanks for posting.
Met a xiamen lady. She admitted her hokkien is limited. They communicate in Mandarin. She did not sound interested in hokkien. So sad.
Hallo SJ 姊 (=sister),
Got time then come back and see you to forums and talk to me and others more about Hokkien lah. So long also no see you discuss liao. Only you and me, who are the normal people, can help to preserve the languages in vibrancy, the government will not be help us.
Xiamen people, nowadays I see them more as Xia-suey people. As the Hokkien language they easily threw away.
Because in all the southern provinces, when one enters school. They are not allowed to speak the Hometown language in class. If speak, then fine $2 or 50cents.
You know, we Humans are trained up like monkeys (because we belong to the same Primate group). When the monkey touch the banana and I hit the monkey, everytime, the monkey will learn the touching the banana is a "PUNISHMENT". But if the monkey don't eat anything, the monkey will die right? Therefore I provide the alternative, I provide “Cheese” and if the monkey is so hungry and wants to touch it, I let the monkey eat the cheese. Slowly and slowly, the monkey will start to eat Cheese and begin to hate Banana.
Similarly, when Humans are taught from young that speaking Hometown language is wrong (Because speaking Hometown language lands you in a "punishment" = Fine, similar to if steal things, rob people, vandalism etc), a Kid/Children will slowly learn speaking Hometown language is "WRONG", and the government and schools know if you don't have language to speak, it is not possible> Therefore the government provide the alternative, it provide "Mandarin Chinese" and if the people need to speak, the government let the people speak it. Slowly and slowly, the people will start to speak Mandarin chinese and begin to hate Hometown dialect.
This is called the "SHAMING" mentality used actively in education all around the world.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Hallo Acid 姊 (=sister),
Yup, Clivebenss 公公 is absolutely right. 廈門 is in Fujian province, where most Hokkiens pronounce it as Hok-Kien province, thus the etymology of HOKKIEN-LANG (�建人) and HOKKIEN-WEY (�建話).
If you are able to tell me exactly the locality that you are going to, (example: 漳平,永春,晉江,詔安,�岩 etc. etc.), I will be able to tell you almost accurately what type of Hokkien you would be encountering there.
Some of the places may traditionally are not Hokkien-speaking, such as 興化 areas of 莆田,仙游 and so these areas are not Hokkien speakers all along.
However, if your "Far-Far" relatives is inviting you back to ancestral home for the kind of "Trip" that brings you around many many places (and almost touching your real hometown for just a "few hours" only during the whole trip), to purchase "Tea", "Textiles", "see Old Temples", "eat in Restaurants n Restaurants n Restaurants" then I usually held a "Heck Care" regards towards that, because this is what they want you to go back to bring your SouthEast Asian Singapore $$$ to fill up their regional economy down there. The tour guide and the local people will hush you to quickly do your purchase and push you to another shopping site because they all have liased a certain amount of profit-sharing. This is a "Shopping-Trashing" type of overseas-家鄉團 tour-group that is happening to China nowadays.
And these people does not really know the hometown, history and even the history of our Thousand-Year Old Hokkien language well enough to help us preserve the authencity or can make a good meaning out of it.
Only MONEY $$$ is in their eyes, not heritage or culture... Sad and true.
And usually they will speak only Chinese Mandarin to you because they know it is a better way to grab your $$$.
if I go back also not bad. Stay at ancestor home and eat at ancestor restaurant. No shopping only free fishing trip.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Hallo SJ 姊 (=sister),
Got time then come back and see you to forums and talk to me and others more about Hokkien lah. So long also no see you discuss liao. Only you and me, who are the normal people, can help to preserve the languages in vibrancy, the government will not be help us.
Xiamen people, nowadays I see them more as Xia-suey people. As the Hokkien language they easily threw away.
Because in all the southern provinces, when one enters school. They are not allowed to speak the Hometown language in class. If speak, then fine $2 or 50cents.
You know, we Humans are trained up like monkeys (because we belong to the same Primate group). When the monkey touch the banana and I hit the monkey, everytime, the monkey will learn the touching the banana is a "PUNISHMENT". But if the monkey don't eat anything, the monkey will die right? Therefore I provide the alternative, I provide “Cheese” and if the monkey is so hungry and wants to touch it, I let the monkey eat the cheese. Slowly and slowly, the monkey will start to eat Cheese and begin to hate Banana.
Similarly, when Humans are taught from young that speaking Hometown language is wrong (Because speaking Hometown language lands you in a "punishment" = Fine, similar to if steal things, rob people, vandalism etc), a Kid/Children will slowly learn speaking Hometown language is "WRONG", and the government and schools know if you don't have language to speak, it is not possible> Therefore the government provide the alternative, it provide "Mandarin Chinese" and if the people need to speak, the government let the people speak it. Slowly and slowly, the people will start to speak Mandarin chinese and begin to hate Hometown dialect.
This is called the "SHAMING" mentality used actively in education all around the world.
That sounds like the practice in sg.
It is very unkind of the officials going to such extent to erode or kill the root.
BTW, you sure I am jie?
Originally posted by Clivebenss:if I go back also not bad. Stay at ancestor home and eat at ancestor restaurant. No shopping only free fishing trip.
Now Xiamen is populated by more than 50% Barbarians from the northern extremes already.
The next restaurant that you may be going into may not be opened by your ancestor.
Originally posted by SJS6638:That sounds like the practice in sg.
It is very unkind of the officials going to such extent to erode or kill the root.
BTW, you sure I am jie?
The officials r out to kill but if we haf the insistence to speak it even if they do it
Jie is a polite referential term, even if u r 妹, as a polite referential term i cld still refer as 姊
Why hokkien there not doing something to preserve their root?
In hk they are also discourage using cantonese but some of them do something to preserve cantonese
The Cantonese, FTW !
I like their style. They will do all their means to oppose anything that threaten the survival of Cantonese.
But we Hokkiens, -_-
Originally posted by BanguIzai:The Cantonese, FTW !
I like their style. They will do all their means to oppose anything that threaten the survival of Cantonese.
But we Hokkiens, -_-
cantonese very jiao gay to mother one sitting on phone...6 hours
Originally posted by Genie99b:cantonese very jiao gay to mother one sitting on phone...6 hours
seems so. agree.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:The Cantonese, FTW !
I like their style. They will do all their means to oppose anything that threaten the survival of Cantonese.
But we Hokkiens, -_-
cant compare, cantonese nearly become the chinese language losing out by one vote.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:cant compare, cantonese nearly become the chinese language losing out by one vote.
Hokkien ( buey_ kan_ ) lah
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Hokkien ( buey_ kan_ ) lah
mai chor lor, buay siew ay sai liao.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:mai chor lor, buay siew ay sai liao.
ok ( su_ tua_ lang/ ) "elder"
Originally posted by BanguIzai:ok ( su_ tua_ lang/ ) "elder"
si tua lang lah.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:The Cantonese, FTW !
I like their style. They will do all their means to oppose anything that threaten the survival of Cantonese.
But we Hokkiens, -_-
Same sentiments here.
Very sad xiamen losing hokkien. I can never forget a xiamen lecturer speaks such good hokkien. Like the type we speak in sg but he refine in speaking. From him I see beauty of hokkien
ai.... so sad
I love mandarin but I still think we should preserve our hokkien root. They from north very cruel wants to take away the root
Originally posted by SJS6638:I love mandarin but I still think we should preserve our hokkien root. They from north very cruel wants to take away the root
... by brute force ... utterly rude ... utterly uncivilised ... utterly discourteous, disrespectful ...
not even allowing ONE lesson per week... simply slashed everything to their benefit ...
Originally posted by Genie99b:cantonese very jiao gay to mother one sitting on phone...6 hours
Yes, really. But hor I also encounter hokkien do tge same