How about water dispenser?
Notebook / Laptop
Mattress (Bed)
Originally posted by Rock^Star:How about water dispenser?
Notebook / Laptop
Mattress (Bed)
How about water dispenser? - 饮水器
Notebook / Laptop - 笔记电脑
Desktop - 桌上电脑
Mattress (Bed) - 床垫
Other versions are welcome.
How do we say bathtub in mandarin?
Bath curtain
Shower head
Flea market
How do we say bathtub in mandarin? - 浴缸 yu4 gang1
Bath curtain - 浴帘 yu4 lian2
Shower head - 淋浴头 lin2 yu4 tou2
Flea market - 跳蚤市场 tiao4 zao3 shi4 chang3
Fence - 篱笆 li2 ba1
How do we say the following:
Museum guide
Top up (the value of eg: a cashcard)
And 1 billion - ?
100 million - ?
1 million - ?
Museum guide - �物馆�导
Top up (the value of eg: a cashcard) - 给现金�充值
And 1 billion - �亿
100 million - 一亿
1 million - 一百万
Say it in English:
惨é�æ± é±¼ä¹‹æ®ƒ
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Say it in English:
惨é�æ± é±¼ä¹‹æ®ƒ
惨é�æ± é±¼ä¹‹æ®ƒ - to be implicated into trouble
渗� - to permeate into (normally refers to fluid)
�心�肺 - to be fully devoted to someone
专注 - to focus
身家 - wealth
资� - resource (the source of)
�形金刚 - Transformers!!! (more than meets the eye!)
Thesis / dissertation
Center of gravity
Fluorescent lamp
Thesis / dissertation - 论文
Center of gravity - �心
Guava - 番石榴
Fluorescent lamp - �光�
Watched the most popular dating show in China now known as �诚勿扰。 These are words worth a notice extracted from the show. See how many you know.
çº ç»“
宽慰 - feel relieved
�拂 - gentle blowing eg风的�拂
阅历 - (人生)�历
邂逅 - �然�� eg: 在��地方邂逅
çº ç»“ - 心结 (an emotional tussle in the mind)
触目惊心 - shocking eg: 触目惊心的体验
牵涉 - 涉� (involve something eg: 牵涉到��人的利�
马甲 - vest
置之�� - totally not concerned / bothered
义务 - obligation (responsibility) eg: è·Ÿä½ é�žäº²é�žæ•…,没这个义务照顾ä½
音讯 - news eg: éŸ³è®¯å…¨æ— (no news at all)
å¹³å�° - platform eg: ç»™å¦ç”Ÿä¸€ä¸ªå�‘挥的平å�°
淡然 - lacking of emotions eg: 淡然的表情
包� - to monopolize eg: 这整个市场都给他给包�了
归属 - a partner eg: 找到好归属
更替 - to replace
�体鳞伤 - full of injuries all over the body eg: 踢足�踢到�体鳞伤
底线 - the bottomline eg: 出售货å“�çš„åº•çº¿ä»·æ ¼æ˜¯å¤šå°‘é’±ï¼Ÿ
至上 - superior eg: 这个人很专一,�对是个感情至上者
or another eg: 他的分æž�能力至上,ç»�å¯¹æ— å�¯æŒ‘剔
相濡以沫 - to moisturize each other (help each other) 互相帮助
Can you say the chinese words for simple things like these?
Injection syringe
Telephone handset
Stethoscope (the doctor's listening aid for heartbeat)
Pout (push the lips out in anger or unhappiness)
Feminine (referring to feminine guys)
Population density is high
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Can you say the chinese words for simple things like these?
Injection syringe
Telephone handset
Stethoscope (the doctor's listening aid for heartbeat)
Pout (push the lips out in anger or unhappiness)
Feminine (referring to feminine guys)
Population density is high
Can you say the chinese words for simple things like these?
Cheeks - 脸颊 lian3 jia2
Injection syringe - é’ˆç’ zhen1 tong3
Eyelashes - �毛
Earphones - 耳机
Telephone handset - å�¬ç’
Diagonal - 对角线 dui4 jiao3 xian4
Stethoscope (the doctor's listening aid for heartbeat) - 诊�器
Pout (push the lips out in anger or unhappiness) - 嘟嘴 du1 zui3
Interaction - 互动
Feminine (referring to feminine guys) - 妩媚 wu3 mei4
Echo - 回音
Population density is high - 人�密集
久��衰 - Strong and not deteriorating with time
仪� - demeanour
收敛 - shou1 lian3 exercise restraint eg: 别太过分,�懂得收敛
皎� - jiao3 jie2 bright (moonlight) eg: 皎�的月亮
笼罩- to envelop (normally refers to the sky) eg: 天空�起了一轮皎�的明月。明月上笼罩�一层层淡淡的薄雾。
暧昧 - ai4 mei4 vague / ambiguous
酸溜溜 - sour, as if full of jealousy
���义 - not kind and evil
阳刚 - masculine
直奔主题 - straight to the point
斩钉截�- be resolute and decisive
回声 - echo
林阴�路 - dark and small road / alley
å¤é‚野鬼 - alone and lonely ghost (can refer to an estranged person)
到�- well done and in place. Can refer to a performance eg: 今天的表现算是蛮到�的。
茄å�- eggplant
驰� - another word for famous 出�
è •åŠ¨ - to wriggle / squirm eg: è‚šå�é¥¿äº†ï¼Œè‚ èƒƒä¹Ÿå¼€å§‹è •åŠ¨äº†
迅猛- xun1 meng3 quick and violent egL è‚šå�é¥¿äº†ï¼Œè‚ èƒƒä¹Ÿå¼€å§‹è •åŠ¨åœ°ç›¸å½“è¿…çŒ›
围观 - surround and take a look
富有诗书,气自� - If you read a lot, naturally you'll be cultured
庸俗- yong1 su2 vulgar / low class. Like 低俗
忽视- neglect eg: 这事很��,��忽视
徜徉 - chang2 yang2 to linger around. Like 闲�
ç–展人 - event organiser
象ç�«ç®ä¼¼çš„飚å�‡- rising rapidly like a rocket
访谈 - chat / interview
典雅 - elegant, like 优雅
�调- in harmony / tandem
拉开少女的心扉 - to open up the inner thoughts of the young girl eg: �师的那番感人肺腑的�拉开这�少女的心扉
敞开心扉 - to bare open one's inner thoughts
署� - to sign off (a painting or calligraphy)
点评 - to comment / critique. Like 评论
�视- to look down on
心乱如麻- heart is in a whirlwind / unsure
瞎猜 - blind guess
朦胧 - meng2 long2 very hazy. Can refer to someone feeling blur. Eg: 他刚�,所以还在朦胧状�。
凌乱 - chaos. 一片凌乱, like 混乱
机翼 - wings of an airplane
打入冷宫- to drive someone into the "cold palace". Means to totally shut someone off
�者��,智者�智 - The kind sees the kind side of things, the clever ones see the clever side of things. Means to say that different views by different personalities
文艺�兴- the Renaissance period in medieval Europe
题� - materials and ideas for a subject
æ ‡å¿—æ€§ - symbolic eg: 这副画ç»�å¯¹æ˜¯ä¸€é¡¹æ ‡å¿—æ€§çš„ä½œå“�。
çƒä¸äºŽ - to be passionate about eg: xx çƒä¸äºŽæ‰“篮ç�ƒ
外框 - the frame (of a picture)
æ‰Žæ ¹- to take root. Can refer to people settling somewhere or an idea taking root in the mind
光影- light and shadow
花蕾- hua1 lei3 flower bud
细腻 - xi4 ni4 meticulous / exquisite
倒影 - reflection (in the water)
航海- sailing
å½“ä¹‹æ— æ„§ - fully deserving of (accolades or praise)
浮现 - to float and appear (normally refers to an idea or thought). Eg: å†�è„‘æµ·ä¸æµ®çŽ°ã€‚
�折�扣- 100% (can refer to someone's effort)
��- revolt / betrayal
�智- rui4 zhi4 wise and farsighted
曲折离奇 - complicated and odd
刮暴雪 - heavy snow falling
风� - feng1 mi2 fashionable eg: 风�一时
潜质 - potential
è¯ é‡Š - to interprete and explain
�袒 - to take the side of (to favour someone)
�� - to conquer, to win over
How do we say "balcony" in mandarin?
What about "prerequisite"?
And eg.....6.8 on the richter scale.