The MOE should open more kindergarten "classes". The number of places at each Kindergarten level (豆豆ç�, Nursury, K1, K2) should be about the same as the number of places at each Primary level (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6).
To do it, the government can merge all PAP kindergarten and NTUC kindergarten together, and change them into MOE kindergarten.
The MOE kindergarten should be mandatory, not compulsory. Parents can enrol their child at any age (before primary school), into the level that is appropriate to the child's age. For example, if enrol at 5 years old (age as in January), enter K2.
To encourage parents to enrol their child into the MOE kindergarten, there should be the option to use CPF money to pay for the school fees.
Meals should be provided, and included in the school fees. Also, there should be beds for the children to take afternoon nap. The school fees should include the rental of beds (to use for maintenance).
The primary benefit is that this gives every child the opportunity to have pre-school education, before they begin their compulsory education at primary one. This will reduce the need for LSP (Learning Support Programme) in primary one and two, as more primary one and two children would be able to cope with the education at primary one and two.
The secondary benefit is that this may encourage people to give birth. Morning send their child to the Kindergarten, Evening fetch them back home.