Any chance of a green party in the coming election?
oops, sorry, what is green party?
Like these
Jokes aside. Green Party like the one in German that promote good green movement to help save the planet.
Not just profits and balance sheets of $$ but balance sheet and preservation of nature, recycling and conservation.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:Like these
Jokes aside. Green Party like the one in German that promote good green movement to help save the planet.
Not just profits and balance sheets of $$ but balance sheet and preservation of nature, recycling and conservation.
It is possible for such a party but I believe it will take a long while for it to exist in Singapore - as we all know that majority of the people here are not into keeping the environment green.
Must give the green ago, otherwise $$ alone can't be any help if the pollution and overpopulation set in on this tiny island state.
More immigrants = more pollution.
yesh, i second this.
Save the earth
I dunwan to be a spoiler, but personally I think we'd see the rise of Liberal Democrats/Liberal Socialists in Singapore before any Green Party picks up the slack...
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:I dunwan to be a spoiler, but personally I think we'd see the rise of Liberal Democrats/Liberal Socialists in Singapore before any Green Party picks up the slack...
It doesn't matter, it has to start somewhere.
It will grow when public health is threaten by pollutants.
If you guys want, we could form one! Whose got the cash?
A green party would be "refreshing" in the Singapore political scene. Hopefully it will have a rather consistent ideology.
Originally posted by Shotgun:If you guys want, we could form one! Whose got the cash?
A green party would be "refreshing" in the Singapore political scene. Hopefully it will have a rather consistent ideology.
Konfirm the PAP will shoot the theology of any Green Party in Singapore by declaring that their "so-called" environmental policies will hamper growth and development of Singapore and negate any positive growth on the economy.
This will send shockwaves through middle-class(penny conscious) and to ensure financial stability in Singapore, I think most people wouldn't vote for the ideals of any Green Party.
I beg to differ.
It will be the middle class that will be most concern about their health and it might actually work out for a Green Party.
Also the world is reaching out to green and only big corporates are the hinderance. Green can be profitable too.
The possiblity of a successful green model is ideal for Singapore as we are a small compact city.
maybe lor... depend on how PAP see it..... they may prefer a Green party who will not fight for power with them... so if they really have to act act and let them "win" some seat then they will give them green party than other more dangerous one lor.... but they will nv be a real power.. just a puppet maybe...
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):maybe lor... depend on how PAP see it..... they may prefer a Green party who will not fight for power with them... so if they really have to act act and let them "win" some seat then they will give them green party than other more dangerous one lor.... but they will nv be a real power.. just a puppet maybe...
Not really.
Considering the COE and ERP are one of the many grips about the PAP, any opposition that hopes to contest the PAP probably has to yield on these issues.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Doubtful.
Considering the COE and ERP are one of the many grips about the PAP, any opposition that hopes to contest the PAP probably has to yield on these issues.
The health issue will creep in and held ransom.
$ or life, the age old question.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:The health issue will creep in and held ransom.
$ or life, the age old question.
Must get something like Obama's Health Care Reforms.
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Must get something like Obama's Health Care Reforms.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:The health issue will creep in and held ransom.
$ or life, the age old question.
If i'm not wrong you're quite an "elderly" person.
I haven't even hit 30 yet so i would yield to your life experience.
In all your years, do you ever felt that humans would take the choice they need over the choice that they want?
Originally posted by Stevenson101:
If i'm not wrong you're quite an "elderly" person.I haven't even hit 30 yet so i would yield to your life experience.
In all your years, do you ever felt that humans would take the choice they need over the choice that they want?
If you talking of choice when young money make sense.
When you have money, health make sense.
Where are we now?
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Must get something like Obama's Health Care Reforms.
Considering that it's 1,017 pages long, i'm not really sure whether it's a real reform or farce.
Want a party which is more pro-business than the PAP...
So much potential(economic wise) is lost by the PAP alone.
Singapore is known for good quality is a lot of products that are manufactured here.
But there is no one product and one industry that Singapore specialises in.
Jack of all trades master of none.
What an economic waste.
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:Want a party which is more pro-business than the PAP...
So much potential(economic wise) is lost by the PAP alone.
Singapore is known for good quality is a lot of products that are manufactured here.
But there is no one product and one industry that Singapore specialises in.
Jack of all trades master of none.
What an economic waste.
Going green might be a good business sense.
PAP also ruins the cultural and arts scene in Singapore.
Something like giving you room for error, and yet taking it back from you... Two step can be taken forward, then you have to take one step back...
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:If you talking of choice when young money make sense.
When you have money, health make sense.
Where are we now?
It's just like the problem with global warming.
The changes are too slow and too subtle for the human senses to detect. By the time you realise it, it's too late to turn back.
Where would be the point where you define yourself as having money?
Originally posted by Fryderyk HPH:PAP also ruins the cultural and arts scene in Singapore.
Something like giving you room for error, and yet taking it back from you... Two step can be taken forward, then you have to take one step back...
More like one step forward and two steps back.