COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Oct. 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Author Nihal Sri Ameresekere, FCA, FCMA, CMA, CFE, Member, International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, releases latest books on Corruption, Fraud, Economic Crime, Governance, Rule of Law, with real case studies:
1. "To Combat Fraud & Corruption - a Cancerous Menace, with mere
Rhetoric, subverts UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)" --
exposes hollow commitment to obligations under UNCAC, and
postulates that mega corruption impoverishing the abject poor are
crimes against humanity
2. "Criminality Exposed - Perversely 'Covered-Up'" -- irrefutable
evidence of criminality shockingly revealed in the fraud in the
construction of the Colombo Hilton Hotel
3. "'Dubious Deals' - What a Paradox!" -- dramatic exposures on lawless
privatisations pushed by IMF, World Bank & ADB
From April this year, the following Books have been released:
4. "Fiscal Mismanagement & Lack of Public Accountability - a case study
vis-a-vis Sri Lanka, a country under the purview of IMF/World-Bank/
ADB" -- brazen transgressions on transparency and public
accountability exposed, citing constitutional mandates, social
contract, rule of law and judiciary
5. "Derivative/Hedging Deals by Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank,
Deutsche Bank, with Ceylon Petroleum Corporation - Dubious & Illegal?"
-- brilliant analysis of sophisticated camouflaged instruments, also
raising issues of unequal enforcement of law, contempt of court and
judicial bias
6. "Colombo Hilton Hotel Construction -- Fraud on Sri Lanka Government
-- Sri Lanka's First Derivative Action in Law" -- involving Mitsui &
Taisei / Architects, Yozo Shibata Associates, with KPMG Ford Rhodes
Thornton, as Auditors
7. "Sri Lanka Insurance Privatisation, by PricewaterhouseCoopers and
Ernst & Young - Annulled as Unlawful & Illegal" -- reveals corporate
economic crimes, involving Aitken Spence/Distilleries/CT Smith/
Gibraltar Co., and absence of law enforcement, with dubious conduct
of Chamber of Commerce and Chartered Accountants' Institute,
privatization pushed by IMF/World-Bank/ADB
8. "Colombo Port Bunkering Privatisation - Annulled as Illegal &
Fraudulent" -- involving UN Global Compact Co., John Keells -- with
subsequent absolving judgments by 6 Supreme Court Justices, shockingly
revealing deliberate cannibalization and part suppression of sole
dissenting Judgment, privatization pushed by IMF/World-Bank/ADB
9. "Pillage of Plantations in Sri Lanka" -- reveals the blatant pillage
and plunder of public property, privatizations pushed by IMF/
Books are available from Publishers, AuthorHOUSE US & UK , , and internationally from leading E-Retailers. More Information:
SOURCE: Consultants 21 (Publications) Ltd.