Welcome all to this topic. It might be offendsive to some but i wish all who come and post comments have an open mind and sincerity inside.
My wish for this topic is:
1. Hope to find like-minded ppl
2.Share any form of art works in terms of writings, drawings etc
3.Learn n appreciate new things and share knowledge. *Its always a 2 way traffic of sharing*
4.Natures + Interest (movies flims dramas hobbies music animes?) + Wishes + what things do you want to make it come true (must b visible nt like i wan to b a billion air n u think $$ jus drop down frm e sky meh lol..)
5.Wanted to create a grp maybe monthly once have a gathering w pot luck n sharing session it could b so much fun :3 *jumpin w joy jus thinkin abt it hohohoho!*
6. hmm donno wat else but more to come!...
Let me start abt myself. *clear throat* ahem..
I'm Firestar *a small star burning brightly w all the passion in her heart*
I've been practicing wicca for yrs now since young nt v consistance budden its always inside you that kinda feeling. When i was young its like u kinda know where u gonna head towards nt in career wise but in spiritual wise.. I believe everything that is out there *even faries + dragons + vampyres + all the mythologies creatures etc* sounds kinda spectical budden i really believes before i even know wiccans exists. Its like after discovering something exists a step towards your goal, that kinda feeling when i was younger.. but now i've mellow down but e feeling is still there kinda amazing considering like i've nt grown up *hehehehe well everything that you believes in comes w a price so yea -all got ups n downs-
So I do hope to find some wiccans or solitary ones or those belongs to a covan that we could share some experience with or something.
For Part II + III + IV [mayb those who like nature or any kinds, Interest +sharings comes natually or excited to share with ppl abt your acomplishments or even e slightest things+get to know = taadaaa a new grp is form and i can have our pot luck *grinz]
I think i could grp all under e same group coz its interlink.
Well as for my interest i have lots. Drawings, anime-ing,musics,writings,flims+movies+dramas+ theater production nt so much, all sorts of martial arts, nature n stuff like that.
-its like every category have so many sub category DX- it makes my head spin by just thinking abt it.. n i also donno where to start lol...
I will be happy if someone wants to start by sharing with me. Tis nt abt religion its all abt having a open mind and having fun and making dreams come true ^o^ and hope that i could make a poetry session or some art sharing tat's all in time to come.
Cheers n merry meet all