exact same question on my mind.
worse still, i'm leaving for a holiday and am supposed to decide by the time i come back, the latest... what a drag...
i'm kind of exhausted from studying and honours course is not easy anyway... but then again, it's only a year and furthermore friends and family are encouraging me but on the other hand they don't know what it's like...
urrrgghh... i haven't got a job offer yet, went for one interview only which turned out that i wasn't that interested in that job and i was rejected anyway...
but i'm pinning on this other place where i really really want to work in, and i just have to wait 'cos i just sent in my resume quite recently...
so i must be prepared for months of bumming around, unless i can get a temp job...
guess i didn't answer your question...
by the way, i'm from sci fac