It is almost summer time now, many students are planning for their further education. Which university should they go to ? King¡¦s College does not sound like a bad choice, one in Cambridge, the other inferior one in London. It¡¦s got a beautiful name like a king or very much like the name of Queen¡¦s University in Belfast of Northern Ireland. But the students with some of their non-university friends from King¡¦s pathetic chapel are just nuisance groups; their behaviors are much worse than the para-military religious activists. First of all, the establishment itself, King¡¦s library, King¡¦s teachers¡¦ qualification, King¡¦s obsolete temporary lecture rooms are just big insult to every Londoner, they are much worse than an unfurnished hostel in York. There are at least few decades before the last re-furbishment. Luckily, freshmen at King¡¦s college can tell the true horrible experience when they have committed to a university that is much worse than their own High Schools.
King¡¦s college and its church associate do seem to concentrate on the Old Catholic crime: extreme greedy corruption rather than use those government funding and students¡¦ tuition fees on the proper education and buy some modern equipment. When you have time to pay a visit, you will wonder: Where does all the money go and How you guys study in this dark dungeon. They love to target vulnerable and weak schoolmates and call them ¡§wimp¡¨ or ¡§idiot¡¨ (step on someone back all the time). The most pathetic thing is that: King¡¦s college is full of these underachievers who try to pull any non-religious students down. Have anyone ever examine that King¡¦s priests and archbishops from the chapel never tell the students how to become a nice person; but the standard catholic tricks instead: name-calling, blame King¡¦s own sinful imaginative thought on other scapegoat. Being hypocrite, always use the excuse of raising money (just look at King¡¦s pathetic campaign in King¡¦s hospital or 1 million Pounds project to ¡§save¡¨ King¡¦s books-shortage-archive-library. It is very much like Indian religious leader with one single selfish motive: getting all the religious cult members¡¦ money. Catholic are cool; condemn all the damns ; conquer every single con !
Another disgusting well-known fact: King¡¦s accommodation staff does steal safekeeping students¡¦ belongings during vacation. Catholic are far too committed to the precious Nick Culture. In one vacation, I left my textbooks for safekeeping in a university accommodation storage facility. The whole box of textbooks got stolen before I came back to collect them. I simply could do nothing about it. Some well known problems in UK : soft drug and nicking. Marijuana and ecstasy are very popular among the British public especially teenagers. They do not see that as a big problem, they even have a public opinion movement to legalise such drug. What about student altitude towards Nicking ¡V a slang term refers to Stealing. For the British students, if they do not have any kitchen cutlery, they simply steal it from the cafeteria.
King¡¦s accommodation is made of fire-risk wooden bouncing floor and expensive tiny little student study rooms that are smaller than most people laundry rooms at home. GREED is an old sin? When I studied in UK, what I¡¦ve got is: continuous bullying [pushing around] and mis-treatment from the UK university. I¡¦ve got very good A-Level and my parents were very generous to spend all their money in my further education. Most Chinese students get the worst rooms in the British University accommodation. Always in a weird corner, size is tiny and an inhumane place to live in. I was put in a storage room that was under the staircase; the ceiling is so low that I could touch the bottom of the staircase if I raise my hands. It is tinier than the closet of a master bedroom. I could not move at all if I would like to put my bicycle inside. The furniture is old and extremely tiny. This is in contrast to other single student¡¦s bedroom on the same floor, the room is big enough for them to park their car inside. We were all paying the same highest single room fees. Every night and after every meal, other students walk up to their decent size rooms through the staircase which is the roof of my extreme tiny child bed. Once and once again, these things happen to every Chinese student. It is just because British are arrogant and the Chinese students are too polite to make a complaint. It is not about the fairness, but Chinese student always get an inhumane room to live in, British look at us as tiny slave in one of their many colonies. They created unfair hardship for all Chinese students.
It will be the worst scandal about an university (King¡¦s College London) itself --- if it is opened for media discussion and let people know what King¡¦s College mistreat its own student. How far did the university go to try to use dirty / nasty / inhuman tricks to cover their back --- it goes beyond dirty politics but publicly-known hypocrisy and conspiracy. My close university friends describe it as CLASSIC --- the worst class-system-sickness that happen again and again in this old college.
The reality of my department in King¡¦s College London:
The lecturers who worked in my Dept were: there was only 1 half-deaf professor and the 2 Ph.D. lecturers, all the others do not even have proper qualifications like a master degree or research fellowship. Probably, they were recruited due to the backyard connection associated with the school¡¦s dark-age religious bodies. King¡¦s College is a Catholic University and got a huge Catholic chapel above its Grand Hall. They are same in size.
For the students¡¦ intake, it does seem that there is a 40-40-20 ratio.
== 40% catholic alike ( no way that they behaved like as if they were Christians)
== 40% Islamic Asian Indian alike
== 20% overseas students from Europe & SE Asia (these are the rich students and income of the university)
Probably due to this variation with other universities, most students do give the impression of being naïve, hypocrite & behaving like a religious extremist-alike; pretty much like a communist society.
I¡¦ve got very good A-Level and my parents were very generous enough to spend all their money in my further education. All I got was: Heavy Intimidation to a bright student by a Catholic/Islamic University. What is the point of spending life saving for an unworthy BritiSHIT education? Will it be better to save up those money and buy a Real house with a real lawn after a few years? The biggest fear of mankind is Uncertainty, why the Chinese parents would pay a fortune to a mysterious old school in Britain for an uncertain academic attainment that they knew little about while sure that the British would be biased against Chinese students? Chinese Students are simply the MILK COW for the British Economy
There are a lot of confusing Indians there, as many Indians came to Britain when India became independent and they stay in London. On the 4th floor in Strand campus in London, there is even an Islamic worship place there. Most Indian student are either belong to Muslim or Islamic religion. Their accent is the worst in the world and their minds are just simply crazy. Many black people behave much better and much more educated than the always smiling-for-nothing Indian people. The Indian medical doctors are well known for their clumsiness. On the other hand, those Islam and Muslim students never play fair during exam, they got a variety of cheap tricks during examination. For example, some of them will keep on shaking their legs for the whole examination, just at the edge of your binocular vision. At the end of the exam, I complained to the teacher for such incident. She simply said, she did not saw it to avoid any further investigation. Could you put up this poster in the Society Notice Board, the saga for Chinese Students will continue when nothing is said about that. Would it be a good sample for others to read about ¡V the worst real-life true story of an overseas student.
There is a Chinese proverb that is well known among china town:
Â^°ê¤H ¦n½a ¦n½â ¦n¶Â¤H¼¨ It is so true.
[British People are very poor, very nasty, just nuisance group]
For prospective singaporeans consider going to Britain for their education. Australian and American students pay the same fees as the overseas students for their University Education, they are much friendlier than the arrogant British. In those countries, Chinese are generally consider to be brighter in science subjects, however, they are all right about that. Unlike UK, jealousy is not an issue when fair competition is the fundamental drive of their economies for centuries. The biggest fear of mankind is Uncertainty, why the Singapre parents would pay a fortune to a mysterious old school in Britain for an uncertain academic attainment that they knew little about while sure that the British would be biased against Chinese students ?