exams round the corner..
may all pass wif flying As (and Bs)..
as for me..
i jus hope for a pass..
so that i dun have to get kicked outta sch and marry rich old man..
~~EviL AngeL~~
[/i:vel eindzel/]
more affectionately known as...
tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE
(that happens to love prata...and Quickly PearlTofu)
why dun you just marry a rich handsome devoted young man ? make life so much easier right?
young man cant be trusted nowadays..
~~EviL AngeL~~
[/i:vel eindzel/]
more affectionately known as...
tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE
(that happens to love prata...and Quickly PearlTofu)
thats what iron chains are for.