What I am going to say next has got nothing to do with NUS ADMIN being screw up.
Hey sparkle, today i went to your fac for HRM and hmmmmm i must say FBA got very nice and impressive lecture theaters!
This makes me wonder if students from FASS is paying lower school fees!
Why is it that u ppl from FBA got such privilage while we from FASS still have LT that are same as my JC one huh?
wooden chairs, wooden tables that stretch from one end to the other. Alright, some other LT are better, with individual tables and seats but the tables keep sliding down if your don hold it well.... see what i mean?
So unfair leh.... but cool down, i don mean to start an argument here. Juz wondering why so unfair. heheheh;p
[This message has been edited by yoohoo (edited 19 July 2000).]