hiya guys (n gals)! need ur help in this. my dad is given a choice on his pension plans and asked my advise which is the better choice. so im gonna throw em to u and let u guys decide. then we vote to see which ones the best. (of cos i alreadi made my choice)
PLAN A - u get a lump sum of 200k
PLAN B - u get a monthly allowance of 1.1k till u die
PLAN C - u get lump sum of 70k plus $671 monthly for the next 12.5 years. after that u get 1.1k till u die.
ladies and gentlemen, ur votes pls. bizad students can whip out your financial calculators, engin students can open their excel spreadsheet, arts student can get rdy to medidate, etc etc. thanks for your input!
I think Plan A is the best if your dad wants to invest. You have ready cash and you could get more out of that money.
Plan C would be much better if your dad wants to control how the money flow in the family. Coz getting Plan A might cause a major spending problem.
Anyhow, the final say is still up to your dad.