. I cant be reading this right.
Day 5, 3.42am - Haven't had the slightest crave since the last attack, which is good. Can't wait to clock up 72 nicotine-free hours.
Refering to the information I posted earlier:
72 hours
Your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites (the chemicals it breaks down into) will now have passed from your body via your urine. Symptoms of chemical withdrawal have peaked in intensity, including restlessness. The number of cue induced crave episodes will peak for the "average" ex-user. Lung bronchial tubes leading to air sacs (alveoli) are beginning to relax in recovering smokers. Breathing is becoming easier and the lungs functional abilities are starting to increase.
Sounds exciting And I better prepare myself by drinking lotsa water
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
. I cant be reading this right.
Detached had transcended
Are u for real?
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:Are u for real?
Of course.. I'm almost 60 hours clean
Fwah. Zhai. Jiayou Jiayou!!
Originally posted by Detached:
Of course.. I'm almost 60 hours clean
Originally posted by MooKu:
I worry you may get diabetes at the end of this.
But seriously though, now that you will have to drink alot more water. You can get hydrated through fruits like pears, apples and watermelons, if you need the sweet munchies, and non-calorie inducing.
Originally posted by Keii:I worry you may get diabetes at the end of this.
But seriously though, now that you will have to drink alot more water. You can get hydrated through fruits like pears, apples and watermelons, if you need the sweet munchies, and non-calorie inducing.
haha I agree with keii ..
drink more water, take more fruits ..
have regular sleeping pattern ..
*lurks and roll away*
Originally posted by tare:*lurks and roll away*
u also .. should think about quitting!!
jyjy how many hours left?
and yeah tare should think of quiting too. for the sake of the 7 kids
Originally posted by hisoka:jyjy how many hours left?
and yeah tare should think of quiting too. for the sake of the 7 kids
/me panda kick hisk...
thr won't be 7 kids lah! >.<
tip: when you feel like having your morning cigarette, reach for vitamin pills instead. jia you jia you!
Day 5, 8.35pm - I'm 76 hours clean now. I woke up this morning and felt very, very lethargic. The lack of 'alert' dopamines in my nervous system is really screwing up my daily functions. And the fact that I have like, five shops in close proximity that sell ciggies doesn't help. It takes a lot of willpower to pull away from the five magnets.
Mrs. Lychee commented that I look and feel (to her) better than I did yesterday, but I still feel like $%@!. All in all, the cravings are more intensive and it's so hard to fight off the temptations now... Whatever. Nobody said it wasn't going to be an uphill trudge.
Mrs... lychee ?
Originally posted by Ferret:Mrs... lychee ?
Originally posted by cassie:Just think of the rewards from Mrs Lychee when you manage to pull this off.
I'm better off thinking about the rewards I'm going to shower myself with
Mookie sounds a lot better than Mrs Lychee....