read, watch a movie/tv, sports etc
oh yah, i almost forgot i bought a book to read
haven't finished it though
it's by Tom Clancy, Against All Enemies
just started on book?
i like military fiction
in fact, most of those weapons featued inside are becoming reality one by one, except for the Laser Tower
Technological progress, heh heh
i've read his's good
yeah, another fellow fan
which other authors do you dig?
dan brown
dale brown.........these 2 i keep mixing them up
Tess Gerristen
Vince Flynn (his story about a top counterrorist operative called Mitch)
morning guys
hi there bussy. busy day on my end. yours?
for mi nop
130pm release
and quite warm after raining
warm warm warm...even the water from the tap is warm
yeah, had a hard time sleeping at night too
here is the video of the crash..........i was shocked when i saw how the Ferrari crashed into the Sonata taxi
use humvee
gonna get din...had yours already?
ate macdonalds
Big Mac
Until now, I haben tried the double down.
Why ah?
my my... rare guest
you're also a rare species around here