actually i was in between errands/appointments so i thought it was better sitting in the office than wandering around the sidewalks/staring into space
Oooo... so you using office to chill only ah? Convenient... haha
and read up on something i need to get done on monday
so that was not the nice part
At least you can come in prepared for battle.
i'm the least prepared. i'm supposed to prepare a draft paper to the authorities and have not put pen to an iota of an alphabet, much less a word
hoping for divine intervention this weekend, maybe if i pray hard enough
anyway brain kinda switched off after i left the office yesterday
juz enjoy the weekend lah..
u guys never go out today?
enjoying my weekend before I go for my "holiday camp"..
I'm always too lazy to go out...
back from my teabreak ~
it depends...some weekends i feel like going out and will spend the rest of it outside and some, like this...too lazy
tea time for me. probably just a coffee since i'm not hungry.
me on 1 week leave 4 exams!
Milo-making exam? Like that you full marks le.
what exams are you taking?
Alamak, not Milo making lar deh
my part time study lar
last subject ler
Since last subject, just chiooooooooong all the way le~~~~
dun fall down can ler
Woodlands WaterFront is finally completed!
back from a trail run + gym
morning everyone~~~