From the Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger (Manchester, England), September 1886, p279-281:
One of the lady managers remarked to the Times reporter: 'You see it is a mistake to suppose, as many people do, that we Vegetarians starve ourselves. On the contrary, we draw without reserve on nature's storehouse for pure and healthful food, rejecting meat and fish.'
After dinner a meeting was convened in one of the pavilions, with the Rev. Henry S. Clubb, a Pastor of Christ Church (Bible Christians), as chairman and director general, and Miss Belle Smith as secretary. Mr. Clubb opened the proceedings by briefly explaining the true meaning and purpose of Vegetarianism. Dr. J. Harvey Lovell followed, and indorsed all the preceeding speaker said, both from his observations as a physician and experience as a Vegetarian. In the course of his remarks he said: 'Vegetarianism promises more help towards reform, more for the advancement of truth, the elevation of humanity, the eradication of disease and the preservation of health, the accumulation and enjoyments of wealth, for longevity and comfortable old age, more for the moral and sipritual elevation of mankind and general happiness, than any ism with which I am acquainted.'"