Orr Orr koon.. zi mi dua zi chun
Fate exists but it can only take you so far, Because once you're there, It's up to you to make it happen -- Crystal
[This message has been edited by zzzzland (edited 15 April 2001).]
SoMe PeOpLe CoMe InTo OuR LiVeS AnD QuiCkLY GoES, OtHeRs' StAyS 4 AWhiLE, LeAvE FoOTPriNTS On OuR HeArtS, N We ArE NeVeR D SaME.
In three words, I can sum up everything I've learn about life. It goes on. - `Crysta|
[This message has been edited by Tristal (edited 17 April 2001).]
Friends are like sand in your hand,holding them too tightly they will just slip away from your fingers,holding them too loosely they won't stay....
Love is like standing on wet cement, the longer you stay the harder it is to leave...and you can never go without leaving your prints behind -- XenXen
The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher *Epoxy79F*
*** deizijune has quit IRC (Quit (Friends are precious, make them, don't destroy them.))
[E] has quit IRC (Quit (If i had the letters H,R,T, i can add "e,a" to get a HeArT or a u and get a HuRt.But i rather choose U and get HuRt than hv a HeArT w/O U.))
Love Without Conditions, Give Without Expectations.... -- cherry^
Love is like an onion, u r curious inside n begin 2 peel it off piece by piece, deeper n deeper each time, till the end the only thing u get is tears... -- Nata|ie
Which hurt the most? Saying sthg n wish you din or Not saying anything n wish that u had? -- Jany
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved -- babygal
Have you ever wondered whether everything you've ever believed... ever been taught... even hold most true... your values.. all those facts you known... every single thing... Whether it was all just wrong. Just simply wrong? - CloneMe
Staring at the sky, my vision getting blurer, u r getting further..blurer...and u vanished...u r no longer in my life -- sotongs