Mod note: Thread deleted due to unnecessary post.
[Please tell joey that Veyron16.4 purposely spelt 'deleted' as 'delected' as a sarcastic joke]
[Please tell Veyron that a name starts with a capital letter, and that I KNOW THAT!!!]
Renamed nevertheless.
tell both Veyron16.4 and joeyfjj not to "filrt" at here and this poor OpenBVEr guy kena delected + edited so many times ]
[Please tell Samuel Lee that neither joey nor Veyron16.4 is gay and we are not flirting. BTW joeyfjj is a guy]
I'll have to say that such posts are not allowed. If they are allowed, then wouldn't there be a million posts leading to a million webpages relating to (open)BVE?
Mod note: Thread locked.