Hey my fellow singaporeans. I'm new to this forum. Hope to make a lot of new friends here. Anyway I have a few questions to ask. I'm currently doing my national service as a fire fighter as of now. Still left with 4 more months to ORD. Then I can siam. hehe. Anyway I've been thinking about taking a diploma in sports and exercise science at psb academy. What are your thoughts about this diploma offered by psb guys? Anybody here is taking this course or have already taken it? And is it worth it to pursue the fitness industry? This is based on my interest. I look forward to the replies! :D
PE teachers in schools loh
i think there is a physiotherapy focus
They accept candidates with private diploma?
i believe u need to enter uni to be some trainer.
otherwise u can only apply for a job as a PE teacher :P
P.S. the same goes for psychology courses - u can only work at pathlight or some other presch if u cant get a degree
but many do not know it - just look at the HIGH cop for it :P