四�慧 (智�内明)
慧的定义:简å�•çš„说,就是与善心相应的观智;慧的è¯ä¹‰:ä¸�但如实观è§�ç›®æ ‡çš„è‡ªç›¸ï¼Œä¹Ÿèƒ½å¦‚å®žè§‚è§�ã€�é€šè¾¾ç›®æ ‡çš„æ— å¸¸ã€�苦ã€�æ— æˆ‘çš„å…±ç›¸ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”ç»§ç»åŠªåŠ›ä¿®è¡Œè€ŒèŽ·å¾—圣é�“现å‰�。
ä¿®ä¹ æ…§ã€�æˆ�就慧è¦�ä¾�于戒定修毗婆èˆ�那观(å�³æ¢è§‚å�Œè¿�ã€�æ¢è§‚平衡),深入观察身心五蕴ã€�å��二处ã€�å��å…«ç•Œã€�å��二缘起ã€�å››è°›ã€‚å…¶ä¿®ä¹ å±‚æ¬¡æ¦‚è¿°å¦‚ä¸‹:
1. è§�清净 : 观察清楚身心之å��色法的自相ã€�共相,深入(penetration)其内,解剖ã€�分æž�ï¼›æ¤æ—¶å®šåŠ›å°±åƒ�放大镜,观力就åƒ�显微镜,如实知è§�å��与色,确认å��色相ä¾�ä¸�相æ�‚,å��ä¸æ— 色ã€�色ä¸æ— å��,唯有å��色ã€�没有我,å�¹ç ´èº«è§�ã€�我è§�。
2. 度疑清净 : 进一æ¥è§‚察å��è‰²çš„å› ç¼˜ã€�å��二缘起ç‰ï¼Œç¡®è®¤å”¯æœ‰å��è‰²çš„ä¸šæžœï¼Œè€Œæ— ä½œè€…ã€�å�—è€…ï¼Œè¶…è¶Šä¸‰ä¸–å› æžœçš„ç–‘æƒ‘ï¼›ç¡®è®¤å› æžœç›¸ç»è€Œä¸�å¸¸ï¼Œç ´é™¤å¸¸è§�ï¼›ç¡®è®¤å› æžœå�˜å¼‚而é�žå®Œå…¨æ–ï¼Œç ´é™¤æ–è§�ï¼›ç¡®çŸ¥ä¸€åˆ‡ä¸–é—´æ³•çš„å› æžœå®‰ç«‹ï¼Œå¾—æ³•æ™ºä½�。
3. é�“é�žé�“智è§�清净 : 安ä½�于当下的生与ç�,现观诸行å�³ç”Ÿå�³ç�ï¼›æ¤æ—¶ä¼šçŽ°èµ·ã€Œè§‚çš„å��ç§�æ�‚染ã€�,如光明ã€�智ã€�å–œã€�轻安ç‰ï¼Œå¦‚果执著这些æ�‚染就是「é�žé�“ã€�,èˆ�弃这些æ�‚染就是「é�“ã€�,å�³ä¸Šäº†ã€Œæ£é�“ã€�了。
以上三个观智层次确定了三ç§�清净 : è§�清净 —— 观察å��色,确定苦谛;度疑清净 —— 观察å��色的业果,确认集谛;é�“é�žé�“智è§�清净 —— 远离é�žé�“上的æ�‚染,走上æ£é�“,确定é�“谛。
4. è¡Œé�“智è§�清净 : æ¤é˜¶æ®µï¼Œå†�ç»�åŽ†ä¿®ä¹ å¤šç§�观智,æˆ�就行èˆ�智,走到世间的尽头,尚未è¯�得出世间的预æµ�æžœä½�。
5. 智è§�清净 : æ¤é˜¶æ®µè§‚ç…§å��è‰²çš„æ— å¸¸æˆ–è‹¦æˆ–æ— æˆ‘ï¼Œä»¥æ¶…æ§ƒä¸ºæ‰€ç¼˜ï¼Œè¿›å…¥ä¸‰è§£è„±é—¨—— æ— ç›¸è§£è„±é—¨ã€�æ— æ„¿è§£è„±é—¨ã€�空性解脱门。登上出世间é�“智ã€�果智,知苦ã€�æ–集ã€�è¯�ç�ã€�æˆ�é�“
—— æ¤åˆ»å››åœ£è°›å�Œæ—¶çŽ°è§‚,体è¯�涅槃。
《æ�‚阿å�«ã€‹464ç»�:ã€Œä¿®ä¹ äºŽæ¢ï¼Œæˆ�å°±äºŽè§‚ï¼›ä¿®ä¹ äºŽè§‚ï¼Œæˆ�就于æ¢ï¼›åœ£å¼Ÿå�æ¢è§‚俱修,得诸解脱界。ã€�体è¯�圣é�“与圣果,æ¢ä¸Žè§‚两力是结å�ˆå¹³è¡¡ã€�互ä¸�超胜的,圣弟å�æ¢è§‚俱修,得以æˆ�就智慧与å�„ç§�解脱。
禅七开示/ Sujiva禅师
The Path of Purification / translated by Bhikku Nanamoli
Majjhima Nikaya / translated by Buikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikku Bodhi
it's also good if one can identify what's the wisdom/realisation that we are looking at.
Originally posted by sinweiy:
it's also good if one can identify what's the wisdom/realisation that we are looking at./\
can u briefly tell us in English about the contents of the Chinese article above? briefly...
(as you know my Chinese is *thumbs down*)
慧的定义:简å�•çš„说,就是与善心相应的观智;慧的è¯ä¹‰:ä¸�但如实观è§�ç›®æ ‡çš„è‡ªç›¸ï¼Œä¹Ÿèƒ½å¦‚å®žè§‚è§�ã€�é€šè¾¾ç›®æ ‡çš„æ— å¸¸ã€�苦ã€�æ— æˆ‘çš„å…±ç›¸ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”ç»§ç»åŠªåŠ›ä¿®è¡Œè€ŒèŽ·å¾—圣é�“现å‰�。
PrajñÄ� simply put, is the concept of wisdom and compassion blending appropriately; It not only preceive the self of all things, but also preceive the impermanence, suffering, non-self of all things.
PrajñÄ� (Sanskrit: पà¥�रजà¥�ञा) or paññÄ� (PÄ�li) is wisdom, understanding, discernment or cognitive acuity. Such wisdom is understood to exist in the universal flux of being and can be intuitively experienced through meditation. In some sects of Buddhism, it is especially the wisdom that is based on the direct realization of such things as the four noble truths, impermanence, interdependent origination, non-self and emptiness. PrajñÄ� is the wisdom that is able to extinguish afflictions (kleÅ›as) and bring about enlightenment.
see Summary
in MP3:-
A compendium of the Therav�da Buddhist philosophy and meditation, the Visuddhimagga, meaning "Path of Purification (清净�论)", was written in Sri Lanka in the early 5th century AD by Venerable Buddhaghosa (觉音尊者).
i listen to
Part III - Understanding
Description of the soil in which understanding grows
first mp3. that say:-
"concentration is very important for prajna to arise. without concentration, prajna cannot arise. "
Originally posted by sinweiy:Prajñ� (Sanskrit: प�रज�ञा) or paññ� (P�li) is wisdom, understanding, discernment or cognitive acuity. Such wisdom is understood to exist in the universal flux of being and can be intuitively experienced through meditation. In some sects of Buddhism, it is especially the wisdom that is based on the direct realization of such things as the four noble truths, impermanence, interdependent origination, non-self and emptiness. Prajñ� is the wisdom that is able to extinguish afflictions (kleśas) and bring about enlightenment.
see Summary
in MP3:-
The Path of Purification
A compendium of the Therav�da Buddhist philosophy and meditation, the Visuddhimagga, meaning "Path of Purification (清净�论)", was written in Sri Lanka in the early 5th century AD by Venerable Buddhaghosa (觉音尊者).
one word i thought of is equanimity, upeksha.
the cause of Arahat is 4NT, nonattachment.
the cause of Pratyekabuddha is Dependent origination.
the cause of Bodhisattva is paramita, nondiscrimination.
the cause of Buddha is equanimity,even-mindedness .
Thich Nhat Hanh says (in The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching, p. 161) that the Sanskrit word upeksha means "equanimity, nonattachment, nondiscrimination, even-mindedness, or letting go. Upa means 'over,' and iksh means 'to look.' You climb the mountain to be able to look over the whole situation, not bound by one side or the other."
Pema Chodron says that when feelings of attraction or aversion arise, we can "use our biases as stepping-stones for connecting with the confusion of others." When we become intimate with and accepting of own feelings, we see more clearly how everyone gets hooked by their hopes and fears. From this, "a bigger perspective can emerge."
Thich Nhat Hanh says that Buddhist equanimity includes the ability to see everyone as equal. "We shed all discrimination and prejudice, and remove all boundaries between ourselves and others," he writes. "In a conflict, even though we are deeply concerned, we remain impartial, able to love and to understand both sides. [The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching, p. 162]." I confess, that last one is really difficult for me, but that's what we are called to do.
Originally posted by Domo Kun:
Precepts Concentration and wisdom are all linked together.
戒定慧三å¦ï¼Œæ‰€è¯´è™½æœ‰å…ˆå�Žï¼Œåœ¨å…·ä½“实践ä¸ï¼Œå�´æ˜¯ä¸�å�¯åˆ†å‰²çš„整体,三者是相辅相æˆ�。戒定是以慧为先导,定慧是以戒为基础;戒慧是以定为ä¾�æ¢ã€‚说戒则定慧在其ä¸ï¼›è¯´å®šåˆ™æˆ’慧在其ä¸ï¼›è¯´æ…§åˆ™æˆ’定在其ä¸ï¼Œä¸¾ä¸€å�³ä¸‰ï¼Œåœ†èž�æ— ç¢�。凡夫心乱慧浅,æ£åƒ�风ä¸æ²¹ç�¯ï¼Œç�¯å…‰æ‘‡æ™ƒä¸�å®šã€‚å¦‚æžœåŠ ä¸ŠçŽ»ç’ƒç½©å�(戒),就能光定(定)明生(慧)。å�ˆåƒ�ç�除寇盗,先检查严防(戒),盗æ�¥æ�‰ä½�,缚使ä¸�动(定),然å�Žä¾�法æ�€ä¹‹ï¼ˆæ…§ï¼‰ã€‚所谓æ�€ä¹‹ï¼Œæ˜¯ä»¥æ™ºæ…§ç…§è§�诸法本空,烦æ�¼ä¹ æ°”ä¾¿åŒ–äºŽæ— å½¢äº†ã€‚
å�¦å¤–,在入定时,能自然ä¸�犯诸æ�¶ï¼Œä¸Žæˆ’相应,这å�«‘定共戒’。在è¯�é�“ã€�å�‘çœŸæ— æ¼�智之å�Žï¼Œå¯¹äºŽå¾‹ä»ªèƒ½è‡ªç„¶ç›¸åº”æ— çŠ¯ï¼Œè¿™å�«‘é�“共戒’,乃至å…度ã€�四摄ã€�三å��七é�“å“�ã€�æ— é‡�法门,都从‘三妒开出。列表如下:
interesting chart
when MCK was young and learning under Master Zhi Ze Dashi (a imperial royal high monk), he was still unable to understanding the meaning of æ¢è§‚. so Master Zhi Ze Dashi use a simple saying that è§‚æ˜¯çœ‹ç ´,æ¢æ˜¯æ”¾ä¸‹, seeing through and letting go.
我åˆ�å¦ä½›çš„æ—¶å€™ï¼Œç« å˜‰å¤§å¸ˆæ•™æˆ‘çœ‹ç ´ã€�æ”¾ä¸‹ï¼›çœ‹ç ´æ˜¯è§‚ï¼Œæ”¾ä¸‹æ˜¯æ¢ã€‚我å�‘他请教入佛门最善巧的方法,他告诉我这两å�¥è¯�,“çœ‹å¾—ç ´ï¼Œæ”¾å¾—ä¸‹”,还是æ¢è§‚ã€‚å› ä¸ºæˆ‘åˆ�å¦ä½›ï¼Œä»–è¦�讲“æ¢è§‚”我å�¬ä¸�懂,他æ�¢ä¸€ä¸ªè¯�说,“çœ‹ç ´ã€�放下”,我能å�¬å¾—æ‡‚ã€‚çœ‹ç ´æ˜¯è¦�仔细观察事实真相,事实真相最é‡�è¦�çš„æ˜¯çœ‹å› æžœï¼Œå› æžœå°±æ‘†åœ¨é�¢å‰�ï¼Œä½ èƒ½çœ‹å‡ºæ�¥ï¼Œä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„å› ç»“ä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„æžœæŠ¥ï¼Œä»ŽæžœæŠ¥çœ‹åˆ°å®ƒçš„å› è¡Œï¼Œä»Žå› è¡Œä½ èƒ½çœ‹å‡ºæžœæŠ¥ï¼Œä½ å°±æ¸…æ¥šäº†ã€‚ç»Ÿç»Ÿçœ‹æ¸…æ¥šã€�çœ‹æ˜Žç™½äº†ï¼Œä½ å½“ç„¶æ”¾ä¸‹ï¼Œå“ªæœ‰æ”¾ä¸�下的é�“ç�†ï¼Ÿæ”¾ä¸�下还是没有看清楚,这个é�“ç�†è¦�懂。这两æ�¡æ„�æ€�é�žå¸¸é�žå¸¸çš„广,贯穿全部的佛法,它是佛法修行的总纲领。
Originally posted by realization:Hey... care to elaborate? Would like to hear more.
In general, everyone talks about the 5 senses, eye-see, ear-hear, nose-smell, tongue-taste and touch-feel. However in Buddhism, there's this six sense, the mind sense.
When seeing, there's only the see, but with the uncontrolled mind, there's not only the seeing, but judgment, opnion, concept, likes, dislikes etc. Thus, the whole of the seeing is no longer just the seeing. When the mind is highly developed and trained, then can only be the seeing of things they they really are.
Originally posted by realization:Sinweiy posted: æŒ�å��念佛与æ¢è§‚是完全å�¯ä»¥ä¸€è‡´çš„ã€‚å› ä¸ºä¸€å�¥ä½›å�·è“¦ç›´å¿µåŽ»ï¼Œæ�‚念ä¸�起便是æ¢ï¼›ä¸€å�¥ä½›å�·å¿ƒå¿µè€³å�¬ï¼Œæ˜Žæ˜ŽåŽ†åŽ†ä¾¿æ˜¯è§‚。
This is interesting. I think I will ask the Shifu who teaches us about this tomorrow. Will ask him if chanting can lead to enlightenment. All along, I was under the impression that chanting only engenders Right Concentration (定;三昧).
Will come back to tell what I found out...
Just reporting back about what I heard from my teacher.
He was basically advising us that we should begin asking "Who is the one reciting the Buddha's name?" after we've reached a state of deep concentration. This is basically bringing in the huatou technique.
Secondly, he said something about Buddha name chanting leading one into samadhi, but that getting into states of bliss are not the same as acquiring wisdom (prajna). Yet again, he stressed Right View as he always does.
I also remember AEN saying that it's more preferable to do Vipassana in formal meditation than to do it while chanting. Basically, if one wants to do Vipassana, then chanting should not be the main practice. However, Buddha recitation is good for engendering deep concentration.
Hope this helps.
Originally posted by Domo Kun:
He recite sweep floor.
Domo Kun, Cudapanthaka (周利槃特) reached enlightenment by practising Anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing) meditation.
Originally posted by realization:Just reporting back about what I heard from my teacher.
He was basically advising us that we should begin asking "Who is the one reciting the Buddha's name?" after we've reached a state of deep concentration. This is basically bringing in the huatou technique.
Secondly, he said something about Buddha name chanting leading one into samadhi, but that getting into states of bliss are not the same as acquiring wisdom (prajna). Yet again, he stressed Right View as he always does.
I also remember AEN saying that it's more preferable to do Vipassana in formal meditation than to do it while chanting. Basically, if one wants to do Vipassana, then chanting should not be the main practice. However, Buddha recitation is good for engendering deep concentration.
Hope this helps.
i think Zen got their own technique, and pureland school also have their own set of technique. if u ask from pureland masters or MCK, they would say in 念佛, there's more to it than simply recitation.
念 佛 方 法
Types of Buddha Remembrance
一切法门,以明心为è¦�;一切行门,以净心为è¦�。明心之è¦�ï¼Œæ— å¦‚å¿µä½›ï¼Œå¿†ä½›å¿µä½›ï¼ŒçŽ°å‰�当æ�¥ï¼Œå¿…定è§�佛,ä¸�å�‡æ–¹ä¾¿ï¼Œè‡ªå¾—心开,念佛é�žæ˜Žå¿ƒä¹‹è¦�乎?净心之è¦�ï¼Œäº¦æ— å¦‚å¿µä½›ï¼Œä¸€å¿µç›¸åº”ä¸€å¿µä½›ï¼Œå¿µå¿µç›¸åº”å¿µå¿µä½›ï¼Œæ¸…ç� 下于浊水,浊水ä¸�å¾—ä¸�清,佛å�·æŠ•äºŽä¹±å¿ƒï¼Œä¹±å¿ƒä¸�å¾—ä¸�佛,念佛é�žå‡€å¿ƒä¹‹è¦�乎?一å�¥ä½›å�·ï¼Œä¿±æ‘„悟修两门之è¦�,举悟则信在其ä¸ï¼Œä¸¾ä¿®åˆ™è¯�在其ä¸ï¼Œä¿¡è§£ä¿®è¯�俱摄,大å°�诸乘一切诸ç»�之è¦�ï¼Œç½„æ— ä¸�尽,一å�¥å¼¥é™€ï¼Œé�žè‡³è¦�之é�“乎?
Originally posted by realization:Domo Kun, Cudapanthaka (周利槃特) reached enlightenment by practising Anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing) meditation.
huh? where u get this?
Cudapanthaka (周利槃特) is the 笨弟弟dull brother from AEN's post: yes it's about sweeping the dirt (in the mind).
也å�šä¸�æ�¥ï¼Œä»Šå¤©æ•™ä»–的,明天他å�ˆå¿˜è®°äº†ã€‚佛陀就采用éš�æœºç¤ºæ•™ï¼Œå› ä¸º
他什么都ä¸�会,天天å�ªæœ‰æ‰«åœ°ï¼Œä½›é™€å°±é—®ä»–:“ä½ æ‰‹é‡Œæ‹¿è¿™ä¸ªæ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆä¸œ
西啊?”他说:“这是个扫帚。”佛陀问他:“扫帚两个å—ä½ ä¼šä¸�会忘记
啊?”他说ä¸�会。佛陀说:“é‚£ä½ å¤©å¤©å¿µæ‰«å¸šå°±å¥½äº†ã€‚”他就天天念扫帚,
ä»–å› ä¸ºæ‰«åœ°ï¼Œè¯�到扫地是è¦�扫我心地,就è¯�了阿罗汉。
Let me tell you a story. During the Buddha’s time, there were two brothers who entered the monks’ order. The younger of the two was dull and his memory was very poor. Nevertheless, the Buddha was very concerned about him.
This young monk was unable to cope with sutra and mantra recitations. Whatever he was taught would be forgotten by the next day. Hence, the Buddha decided to teach him as the situation allowed.
Since this young monk couldn’t do anything well other than sweep the floor every day, the Buddha asked him, “What is this you have in your hand? ”
The monk answered, “This is a broom stick.”
Whereupon the Buddha asked in return, “So, will you forget the words ‘broom stick’?” The young monk assured the Buddha that he wouldn’t.
Hence, the Buddha instructed the young monk to keep repeating the words ‘broom stick’ as a recitation, and that’s just what he did. Every day he chanted the words, “broom stick, broom stick, broom stick…”
Later on, the Buddha switched the recitation from ‘broom stick’ to ‘rid dust’.
In the end this young monk, through sweeping the floor and chanting these words, managed to purify his mind to such an extent that he achieved arhatship. While sweeping the floor he was also sweeping his mind clean.
Originally posted by sinweiy:
huh? where u get this?Cudapanthaka (周利槃特) is the 笨弟弟dull brother from AEN's post: yes it's about sweeping the dirt (in the mind).
也å�šä¸�æ�¥ï¼Œä»Šå¤©æ•™ä»–的,明天他å�ˆå¿˜è®°äº†ã€‚佛陀就采用éš�æœºç¤ºæ•™ï¼Œå› ä¸º
他什么都ä¸�会,天天å�ªæœ‰æ‰«åœ°ï¼Œä½›é™€å°±é—®ä»–:“ä½ æ‰‹é‡Œæ‹¿è¿™ä¸ªæ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆä¸œ
西啊?”他说:“这是个扫帚。”佛陀问他:“扫帚两个å—ä½ ä¼šä¸�会忘记
啊?”他说ä¸�会。佛陀说:“é‚£ä½ å¤©å¤©å¿µæ‰«å¸šå°±å¥½äº†ã€‚”他就天天念扫帚,
ä»–å› ä¸ºæ‰«åœ°ï¼Œè¯�到扫地是è¦�扫我心地,就è¯�了阿罗汉。
Let me tell you a story. During the Buddha’s time, there were two brothers who entered the monks’ order. The younger of the two was dull and his memory was very poor. Nevertheless, the Buddha was very concerned about him.
This young monk was unable to cope with sutra and mantra recitations. Whatever he was taught would be forgotten by the next day. Hence, the Buddha decided to teach him as the situation allowed.
Since this young monk couldn’t do anything well other than sweep the floor every day, the Buddha asked him, “What is this you have in your hand? ”
The monk answered, “This is a broom stick.”
Whereupon the Buddha asked in return, “So, will you forget the words ‘broom stick’?” The young monk assured the Buddha that he wouldn’t.
Hence, the Buddha instructed the young monk to keep repeating the words ‘broom stick’ as a recitation, and that’s just what he did. Every day he chanted the words, “broom stick, broom stick, broom stick…”
Later on, the Buddha switched the recitation from ‘broom stick’ to ‘rid dust’.
In the end this young monk, through sweeping the floor and chanting these words, managed to purify his mind to such an extent that he achieved arhatship. While sweeping the floor he was also sweeping his mind clean.http://sgforums.com/forums/1728/topics/436511
Yes, I know 笨弟弟. lol.
He attained enlightenment via Mindfulness of Breath meditation (Anapanasati).
i see.
if we use the Shurangama Sutra's 25 great bodhisattva's door of entries where Manjushri chose the prefect entry/penetration. he could be using breathing as entry, can't know for sure. but i prefer Cudapanthaka would have use the pure hearing as entry than the breath entry, since he IS reciting and listening clearly.
Manjushri Selects the Organ of Entry
The nose's breath penetrates in and out.
But in the rests between there is no air.
These interruptions render it inconsistent.
How can that be used perfect penetration?
The essence of hearing penetrates the ten directions,
For those who have already developed great causes,
Those of initial resolve cannot enter this way.
How can that be used to reach perfect penetration? ---Universal Worthy Bodhisattva
One may contemplate the nature of emptiness .
But its aspect is murky and dull, lacking awareness.
Whatever is unaware is different from Bodhi.
How can that be used to reach perfect penetration? --Empty
Space Treasury Bodhisattva
All activities are impermanent;
So, too, mindfulness has its origin in arising and ceasing.
Since at any given time the factors propelling cause and effect differ,
How can that be used to reach perfect penetration? -- Great Strength Bodhisattva (So the Dharma-door of mindfulness of the Buddha is not best suited
for perfect penetration. u need to combine with hearing purely)
One may contemplate the nature of consciousness;
Yet one is regarding a consciousness that is not eternal.
Even the thought of it is empty and false.
How can that be used to reach perfect penetration? --Maitreya Bodhisattva
I now inform the Bhagavan,
The Buddha appearing in the Saha world:
In this land the true substance of teaching
Resides in hearing the sounds purely.
If one wants to attain Samadhi,
Hearing (purely) is the best way to enter. --Dharma-door of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva is so fine.
even contemplate the nature of emptiness is not as good as Hearing (purely).
Originally posted by sinweiy:
huh? where u get this?Cudapanthaka (周利槃特) is the 笨弟弟dull brother from AEN's post: yes it's about sweeping the dirt (in the mind).
也å�šä¸�æ�¥ï¼Œä»Šå¤©æ•™ä»–的,明天他å�ˆå¿˜è®°äº†ã€‚佛陀就采用éš�æœºç¤ºæ•™ï¼Œå› ä¸º
他什么都ä¸�会,天天å�ªæœ‰æ‰«åœ°ï¼Œä½›é™€å°±é—®ä»–:“ä½ æ‰‹é‡Œæ‹¿è¿™ä¸ªæ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆä¸œ
西啊?”他说:“这是个扫帚。”佛陀问他:“扫帚两个å—ä½ ä¼šä¸�会忘记
啊?”他说ä¸�会。佛陀说:“é‚£ä½ å¤©å¤©å¿µæ‰«å¸šå°±å¥½äº†ã€‚”他就天天念扫帚,
ä»–å› ä¸ºæ‰«åœ°ï¼Œè¯�到扫地是è¦�扫我心地,就è¯�了阿罗汉。
Let me tell you a story. During the Buddha’s time, there were two brothers who entered the monks’ order. The younger of the two was dull and his memory was very poor. Nevertheless, the Buddha was very concerned about him.
This young monk was unable to cope with sutra and mantra recitations. Whatever he was taught would be forgotten by the next day. Hence, the Buddha decided to teach him as the situation allowed.
Since this young monk couldn’t do anything well other than sweep the floor every day, the Buddha asked him, “What is this you have in your hand? ”
The monk answered, “This is a broom stick.”
Whereupon the Buddha asked in return, “So, will you forget the words ‘broom stick’?” The young monk assured the Buddha that he wouldn’t.
Hence, the Buddha instructed the young monk to keep repeating the words ‘broom stick’ as a recitation, and that’s just what he did. Every day he chanted the words, “broom stick, broom stick, broom stick…”
Later on, the Buddha switched the recitation from ‘broom stick’ to ‘rid dust’.
In the end this young monk, through sweeping the floor and chanting these words, managed to purify his mind to such an extent that he achieved arhatship. While sweeping the floor he was also sweeping his mind clean.http://sgforums.com/forums/1728/topics/436511
Ha ha .....好好,我们就唱扫地æŒã€‚我家的地ä¸�用我扫,人家扫,我唱ï¼�
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Ha ha .....好好,我们就唱扫地æŒã€‚我家的地ä¸�用我扫,人家扫,我唱ï¼�
just 唱 no use, must also listen/contemplate the sound 观 音。 :)
it's the KEY in nianfo too. so is contemplating the koan. the mind is ocupied in contemplating rather than wandering all over.