I am currently looking for a man call
MR. LAU CHEE WEE who claims to be a tuition teacher that specialises in all major subjects. He engaged me to do some typing and upon the submission of all the materials and the diskette, he said that he would contact me for another batch of materials and for the payment, but i waited in vain and that never took place. Ever since then, i tried to contact him through my mobile, but the called went unanswered.
But on the other hand, when the call was made from a public phone, it was answered immediately by him. Upon hearing my voice, he hang up on me. I worked for him and i feel that i deserve my pay, but he refuses to pay up. Even if he does not wish to employ me anymore, as a courtesy, he should at least notify me rather than stooping in the dark.
Besides the point, he claims that all teachers can't convey the knowledge properly and only he can. Not only that, he claim to have passion in teaching but i feel that he has more passion in expanding his wallet size. (p.s: his fees goes by the hundreds/hour) He may be a relatively good tutor but he is definitely not the best!
Can anyone who knows of such a person kindly send me an email to
[email protected] . Anyone who wish to know more about this person can also contact me at the above email. Thank you for your help. I really need to find this person urgently and i hope that everyone be wary of him.