hmmzz... u pple notice bout the elction stuffz?? itz such a waste of time... i tink the time can be spend to do something more constructive.... tink dere r better ways to elect student councillors.. like. maibe have a qualiying camp thingy or something... Tink itz time to change the stewpid principal~
Well, frankly I must admit the system is rigid but it does has its purposes too....
1)The speeches' purpose is to allow the nominees to express themselves on what they think they can achieve as well as to allow you the student population to have a insight how the nominees are like...after all...we don't noe all the people in the college do we...(not most of us....though)
2)As for the camp thing...if implemented....this would mean that you all would not have any control of choice of how gets to enter the Council and who gets to represent you...The whole idea of the election, after all, is so that you have the right to vote for people who you think can fulfil the commitment of being a Councillor
After all, without support from the student population(as well as approval from the admin)...nothing pretty much can be achieved....
3)As for the changing of Principal thingy......
Soo.. does dat means dat when u elected a councillor.. they can do ur bidding??? wotz the pt. of the title "COuncillors"??? same as student leaders.. okie lahh.. election iz okie lor.. elect.. den send the to a leadership camp or suomething.. if they reawlli qualifies den okie lor.. like as if u noe all the councillors like dat.. usualli pple cun be bothered wif dem~ hiakz~ itz stewpiD~
Yep, I think the elections is rather useless as we do not even noe most of the pple personally! how can we choose who to voice out 4 us when we do not noe them well??
Sooooo.. dats why we muz unite... and change the managemnt system in nyjc~~ thorw the old cuckoo principal out~~ hahaha~~~ so derez nyjc student ard here.. at lastt~
Btw, izzit compulsory 2 elect?
For your info..
1)I DO noe all the present councillors....
2)There IS a training camp after the elections known as the Council may not have known before either because you are still relatively new to NYJC OR even worse..have never BOTHERED to find out...
3) for the query Ventola raised CAN be done away with...but we would have to revert to the secondary school system whereby councillors are appointed by teacher...etc...Do you REALLY wnat that to happen?(from what I do know, RJC IS still using that system...)
aiyah....know the councellor so wat..... got camp so all boils down to whether they are sincere to do stuff for the student body. Not just hang out at their room during their break and act stuck up and gek seay.... when they make the cut.