I wonder will sands or gentings invest in dubai or abu dhabi if they decide to overcome the cultural and religous reasons....maybe our GLCs should invest instead once they pick up the gaming ropes here
why need to go dubai, Pulau Ubin, sister island, st John island, Pulau Hantu cannot meh?? we can also rope up with Batam, Bintan and Tg Pinang to build casino there...Dubai is a overly priced place that will bubble at anytime, if the saudi didn't cheap in to save them a few months ago, it will be the greatest setback of capitalism since it begining.
must build more in sg
i went to marina bay sands
omg so crowded!! have to Q like siao
but they give free currypork and bottled drinks
Eat all you can
and lose all you can
you should use the executive entrance, no need to Q up one lah, the pre requisite needs only a minimum of $5000 per stake and at least a Merc 300SLK and above upon arrival.
They serve Chinese Ginseng chickens soup with gingko nuts for brain and johnny keep walking for happiness
Originally posted by noahnoah:
must build more in sg
i went to marina bay sands
omg so crowded!! have to Q like siao
but they give free currypork and bottled drinks
Eat all you can
and lose all you can
currypork or currypok?
currypork not halal
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
currypork or currypok?
currypork not halal
of course is currypork
not hala one
beside currypork also got
other pastries
They let u eat all u can first
then too full , u go in feel sleepy
cannot concentrate
thats the end!!