Wishing AL happy happy year ahead! Huat ah!
no more stifmeister
yea lor yea lor.
Originally posted by kiseki:
. Heng ah. Not me. No have my name.
Lai lai lai. Pls place ur bets. Time to huat!
What place bets. This is not a casino!!!
Oh sorry. Wrong thread. . When i heard "Huat" The first thing i think was ...
Btw, how come the mods, bo zho gang ah?
Don't know. All waiting to get fired.
How come no sticky this?
You bo zhor gang ma.
I wait for you sticky, you wait for sunnie, sunnie waitng for hiphop, hiphop wait for me, I wait for you...
Like that lor.
Ok. I shall wait.
so singaporean...
always waiting for things to happen...
Make me mod! make me mod!
U shuddup.
not gonna unless u make me mod
This is hilarious.
. Who sticky??
Aft tonight, this Crapbox, will be closed.
oi close your si lang tao ah
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
. Who sticky??
Aft tonight, this Crapbox, will be closed.
I did la. You don't anyhow close ah.
weee last day to flourish this thread for the year...
all you peeps stay guai ah
parn is really a tranny!
Originally posted by ahkico:show
Hehehe...I supposed that's part of the excitement of going on
tour with your bf/gf. No parents to monitor both of you...can
really hanky panky until you happy. Think if the gf paisei, the bf
will also buay tahan especially when he sees the gf coming out of a
steaming bath.
Well...going on tour with bf/gf is the perfect time for them to
spend alone with each other without any interference from anyone.
So...why not get intimate and leave some wonderful memories behind
that hotel room? Not necessary must be sex lah...but... ...
...you know lah. Aiyah..use your imagination...anything is
I'm guy here.
Originally posted by fairlady_xoxo:weee last day to flourish this thread for the year...
all you peeps stay guai ah
I've always been guai.
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:proof!
parn is really a tranny!
Hehehe...I supposed that's part of the excitement of going on tour with your bf/gf. No parents to monitor both of you...can really hanky panky until you happy. Think if the gf paisei, the bf will also buay tahan especially when he sees the gf coming out of a steaming bath.
Well...going on tour with bf/gf is the perfect time for them to spend alone with each other without any interference from anyone. So...why not get intimate and leave some wonderful memories behind that hotel room? Not necessary must be sex lah...but......
...you know lah. Aiyah..use your imagination...anything is possible.
I'm guy here.
Wrong thread?
Originally posted by Daisuke-kun:proof!
parn is really a tranny!
Hehehe...I supposed that's part of the excitement of going on tour with your bf/gf. No parents to monitor both of you...can really hanky panky until you happy. Think if the gf paisei, the bf will also buay tahan especially when he sees the gf coming out of a steaming bath.
Well...going on tour with bf/gf is the perfect time for them to spend alone with each other without any interference from anyone. So...why not get intimate and leave some wonderful memories behind that hotel room? Not necessary must be sex lah...but......
...you know lah. Aiyah..use your imagination...anything is possible.
I'm guy here.
knn you never see my my previous post ah!
Originally posted by fairlady_xoxo:knn you never see my my previous post ah!
u no more stifmeister, the daimeister no more care liao