Something I wrote a long time ago 
When i came home today, my dad, mom, godpa and godma looked very excited to see me.
They were bursting with glee over something as they chortled "kai ye got you a durian! kai ye got u a durian!"
They brought me to the kitchen and showed me a tiny little durian about 3 inches big
they told me excitedly to smell its fragrance and that there's SURE to be one seed inside...
my dad told me how they went to Pulau Ubin today
and saw the little durian at the stall
the stallholder refuse to sell them this cute little durian
but they all hung around until he gave the little durian to them
and they brought it back like a trophy for me.
i guess that is what love is, isn't it?
when u are out and about, enjoying yourself
and yet u see something special
and immediately u think about someone you love who would
really like to share it and u try your best to give it to her/him
and it can be something really small
but you'll be bursting with excitement because u know the person will think it's special too
everyone was waiting for me to open the durian and when I opened it
it had one big 'hoot' of rich creamy yellow flesh!
I asked them to share it with me but none of them would take it
'eat it eat it!!!' and when I did they asked 'nice or not? sweet or not' I knew it there would be one seed inside!"
it amazing how much pleasure they showed even though it was I who was eating the durian
love really manifests itself in so many different forms
really as we grow older, we begin to be like durians
hard and prickly and sharp on the outside
but to the people we love, we reveal what
is inside us, soft and sweet.
today i held love in my hands - in the shape of that tiny prickly little durian.