A little info about myself
I lived abroad my whole life, and lived in Singapore for over 6 years in the past before I went off to college in the US. I am back in about 7 years or so.
After college, I volunteered to join the Korean Air Force as an Officer, served for 3 years and was honorably discharged as a First Lieutenant (you know when North Korea bombed South Korea? Yea, it was during my time lol).
I am currently in a transition period (deciding between further study or work), and back in Singapore because my parents work here.
Erm.. I am not your typical Korean lol. I have heard that Koreans can be rather arrogant and bigoted, but I was never raised there. I am clearly aware of the dangers of extreme nationalism, and personally am very against it. You can call me an 'enlightened' Korean :)
The picture you see is taken like a week ago at the Shangril-la lol.
What I am looking for
Someone around my age group who I can converse with over a cup of coffee. Not too young though.. I don't want to babysit.
I am currently in a transition period so my schedule is very flexible. I also live like right behind Wheelock Place so should be easy to meet up pretty much anywhere.
PM me if you would like to meet up casually~!
p.s. I am NOT some weirdo NOR a sexual predator. I am exactly what I said I am so chill haha.
does south korea have what we call reservist?
Yea. 8 years so enlisten men and 10 years for officers. You just go and participate in exercises once a year.
bumps for you
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I know a couple of koreans who works in sg...
no leh they all super humble and nice to talk to one...