juz de-mod him as a b'dae prezzie..
Tht one not for me to decide.
But im for it.
where's pika..
i help up SC leh!
shun bian help upz ur p/c hor..
happy bdae brother !
happy bday-belated!
thnx pewpew
thanks shotgun!
Originally posted by QX179R:shun bian help upz ur p/c hor..
im so innocent lah. .
tsk . . .
happy birthday...
it's time to demod you...
i gave you the mod status is just a present for your birthday de... ^^
Originally posted by maskedangel:TGANKS BAK JIE JIE!
Why every1 spell correct, then u spell mine wrong de wor? I remind Seoti de leh...........
Maskie bo xin!!!!