The art of kissing
Okay onto French Kissing 101 (Tongue aerobics)
The art of french kissing. a artistic form of art that was often neglected and/or rush into.
First the lips got to be wet, yes kissing a dry pair of lips is know to lead to dehydration and hyperventilation from the bad experience and abrasion. Ahem.... Ok all, wet your lips yet? Now open your mouth wide and stick out your tougue.
Touch your own tongue.
There are different type of tongues, the big and thick one, the long and thin one, the sharp, the rounded, the rough, the smooth, the rigid, the flexible, the pointed, the blunt, the cheeky and the nerdy.
For a good kissing experience ,the myth is that you will need a long, sharp, and flexible tongue. But trust me, after this lesson, you will realise that it doesn't matter so much. The most important criterias here are the techniques and the art of teasing.
Ahem... I would appreciate if the couple at the back of the class can take your attention away from each other's tongue and focus here please....ahem.. thank you.
Now Let's do some warm up for the practical session later, roll the tongue into a ball, and release it again. This is to allow the muscles of your tongue to relax, understand that the tongue is the strongest muscle on your body. Repeat, this procedure for about 20 times. Those who cannot achieve a perfect ball, please excuse us, as you might be injured in the next excercise. Ok, the next one is to flip your tongue opposite first to the left then to the right, again repeat this excercise 20 times. For those who again cannot do it, please leave us unless you are insured, your course fees does not covers insurance. Now, we come to the stretching, stick your tongue as far as you can, pull it back, and repeat again for 20 times. This will allow for flexiblitly.
Now for some aerobics. Flip your tongue up and down at the fastest possible speed you can in one breath. Repeat the fliping for 2 full mins. After that, it's left and right and then diagonally left and then diagonally right. Repaet each for 2 full mins. The above will help in reflexes of the tongue.
Okay are we done? Does your tongue feel warm already? If it does, then you are ready for 201...
French Kissing 201 (Breathing)
You will need to hold your breath for a very long time in order to get the feeling that is commonly known as "high". For the first excercise, breath in, and breath out sloooooowly. Repeat for 10 breaths. Next, breath in and hold it there for 30 seconds, increase the time by 10 seconds each time until you can hold it for 2 full mins.
Are we ready? these breathing excercise can help in the expansion of the lungs to hold air for any marathon session that you want to hold. I strongly encourage you to do them in your own free time.
French Kissing 301 (Practical)
Now, for the practical. Go on find your partner. I will guide you all verbally...emmm gals, I meant I'll guide by words and you all will go back to your partners, is there any female out there without a partner? Seriously without!
Please come to me. I will oblige.
No? All right then...close your eyes...
Now, put those lips together.... NO, I meant your lips and her lips not your own lips *knock on the head* That's right.... put it together. Ok now before you all start anything, take a deep breath...hold it proceed......
Feel the interior of the mouth, enjoy the wetness, explore with the tip of your tongue the softness of the walls, try to find your partners tongue if you have not already done so...tease it, push it, pull it, twirl around it, tickle it, hook it, bring it into your own mouth, let him/her be seduced, let your body losse, concentrate on the feeling of his/her tongue, feel the warmness, feel the breath of him/her against your face, feel it, experience it. Once it's in, dun let it go back, make sure it stays, make sure you continue to seduce it, deeper and deeper into your mouth. Dun give it a chance to rest, think of your tongue as a bait, luring the prey into your trap, let him/her explore your mouth, feel the tickle on the walls, feel the rubbing against your teeth, feel, experience the feeling of tongue tightening, concentrate, everything around you does not matter anymore, just the tongue, just the feeling....
*lights on*
Ok, stop for now, how's the practical? Enjoyed it? Well, it gets better with practice, I strongly encourage keeping to the same partner, as it would help to guide one another. That's all for french kissing. Please remember not to leave any partners behind. If you are interested in advance practical training techniques for training in your own time without a partner, you are welcome to come back to our next lesson. Good Day.
HAHA omg funny
cool !
ok noted
Originally posted by Bak la va:
You look...surprise. Surprise at what?
Originally posted by Callan:You look...surprise. Surprise at what?
Such a long essay to describe french kissing..........
freestyle la. why must learn and follow a text on HOW to kiss. sheesh you're damn hopeless can.
Originally posted by Bak la va:
Such a long essay to describe french kissing..........
All forms of art must be properly documented.
Originally posted by missqi:freestyle la. why must learn and follow a text on HOW to kiss. sheesh you're damn hopeless can.
Yah lor, I young boy never kiss before mah.
Oh my god. This is very interesting.
now tell me abt the sex part...
Originally posted by Nata|ie:Oh my god. This is very interesting.
Most importantly, did you learn anything?
Originally posted by GHoST_18:ok..
now tell me abt the sex part...
Please find that out in the bar forum. They are way more experience than me over there.
Originally posted by Callan:Most importantly, did you learn anything?
I shld say I do not need to learn this.
u seems very experienced
this is pretty dumb..
Originally posted by Nata|ie:
I shld say I do not need to learn this.
Then please teach the inexperience me. I have a free slot just for you tomorrow night. I've booked the practical lab and there is no one else. I definitely would not mind private lessons.
Originally posted by HeiHao:this is pretty dumb..
Which part? Or would you like to join the class to find out?
Originally posted by Callan:Then please teach the inexperience me. I have a free slot just for you tomorrow night. I've booked the practical lab and there is no one else. I definitely would not mind private lessons.
No no.. I don't think you are inexperience, with the article that you have wrote. We might have the same score though.
Originally posted by Nata|ie:
No no.. I don't think you are inexperience, with the article that you have wrote. We might have the same score though.
Oh...then judge on lesson 2 then...but I can't seem to find it, and lacks the inspiration to write it all over again. Maybe some practical with you might help with my research?
Originally posted by Callan:Oh...then judge on lesson 2 then...but I can't seem to find it, and lacks the inspiration to write it all over again. Maybe some practical with you might help with my research?
No lab buddy to practice with?
Originally posted by Nata|ie:
No lab buddy to practice with?
I'm the lectuerer, and I need a teaching assistant. And please might I stress, female only.