hmm by exp most of the time will be successful if she is comfortable with u then will go out wif you. if not i think is hard to ask her out cos she def is still up
"Hey, say you wanna hang out coming Friday evening? We could grab dinner and go to the beach"
How about providing her with a general idea on where, what and when?
Where - so she know what to wear..
What - so she knows what to expect/do from this outing..
When - so she can plan her time..
Ask her in a casual way.. as you are asking your friends..
Leave the response to her, if the activity interests her, she will go.. even as a normal friend..
All great things start small :)
try using one of the oldest method in the book, ie
i bet
a meal with u, say u cant do this or that.... try to aim for something
that u will lose 90% of the time. Either way, even if u win, u get both
a date and a free meal.
work well with completive gers or one that cant standup to provocation.
Collect information before asking her out.
It builds up your confidence.
Higher chances of success
wanna play WoW? :lol:
wanna go shopping?
okie... a bit gay..
Ask her for opinions abt gal's item e.g,
"It's my sis bday tis sat leh, & im at loss of whether to buy [insert] or [insert] leh..really headache leh..can u do me a favour come with me to give some opinions leh".