Our brains are only interested and excited over new things, while familiarity bored us. This design prevent our senses from getting over-awed with info overload, so that our brain stay focus only on learning new things at a time.
But when there is a lack of stimulation, life can become really meaningless and depressing. Everything fade off and start becoming boring over time. This include new ipod we purchase or the new love we found.
By keep making changes to our enivronment (bedroom layout etc), or do different things, helps to heighten awareness and sharpen our mind from getting too passive over famliarity. What is more interesting is not the excitement of experiencing new things, but getting nostalgic over old things we once familiar with, and can no longer experiencing again.
By imagining myself coming back from the future to experience my past at this present moment can provoke this feeling of nostalgic. This emotional impact is really hard to put into words.
Research has proven that emotions help us to learn better. I guess that's why we tend to learn better in things we are passionate in. If we can manipulate our mind by tricking it to believe in imagined situation where it will get stimulated over exciting over freshness or nostalgic feeling, I'm sure we will be able to learn better and faster.
the question is how? haha
is that why i keep changing my wives??
hmm.. weird though. not sure
got copy right one though
i wud luv to try to trick myself and catch myself doing that. like having an alter ego.
hey im smart.
no im not
yes i am
im trying to trick me
hahaa caught me tricking myself.
hmm.. *raises eyebrows*
passage got one word (along with its conjugations) keep being misspelt.
now ok?
mmmm...the age of consciousness
the wrong word is simulation
I think it should be stimulation
hmm.. yeah i guess so though
done. pls check, sir eagle
so hinting that should keep changing partners ah? i shall take that under consideration
i think in terms of relationship, commitment is still important though
Last paragraph:
Reseach should be Research
simulated should be stimulated
see tiny agrees with me..
Originally posted by pigsticker:see tiny agrees with me..
i very open-minded one
done. pls check
Our brains are only interested and excited over new things, while familiarism makes it boring. This design prevents our senses from getting overloaded with information, so that our brain can stay focused on learning new things, one at a time.
But when there is a lack of stimulation, life can become really meaningless and depressing. Everything fades off and starts to become boring over time. A few examples would include new iPods we purchase or even our new-found love.
By constantly making changes to our enivronment (bedroom layout etc), or by doing different things, it helps to heighten awareness and sharpens our mind from getting too passive over famliarity. What is more interesting is not the excitement of experiencing new things, but by feeling nostalgic over old things we were once familiar with, and can no longer experience it again.
I look back at my past experiences, provoking this feeling of nostalgia. This emotional impact is really hard to put into words.
Research has proven that emotions help us to learn better. I guess that is why we tend to open up and learn better in things we are passionate in. If we can manipulate our mind to believe in and imaginative state where it will get stimulated to be excited over a nostalgic feeling, I am sure we will be able to learn better and faster.
Originally posted by Keii:Our brains are only interested and excited over new things, while familiarism makes it boring. This design prevents our senses from getting overloaded with information, so that our brain can stay focused on learning new things, one at a time.
But when there is a lack of stimulation, life can become really meaningless and depressing. Everything fades off and starts to become boring over time. A few examples would include new iPods we purchase or even our new-found love.
By constantly making changes to our enivronment (bedroom layout etc), or by doing different things, it helps to heighten awareness and sharpens our mind from getting too passive over famliarity. What is more interesting is not the excitement of experiencing new things, but by feeling nostalgic over old things we were once familiar with, and can no longer experience it again.
I look back at my past experiences, provoking this feeling of nostalgia. This emotional impact is really hard to put into words.
Research has proven that emotions help us to learn better. I guess that is why we tend to open up and learn better in things we are passionate in. If we can manipulate our mind to believe in and imaginative state where it will get stimulated to be excited over a nostalgic feeling, I am sure we will be able to learn better and faster.
actually still got grammar
A few examples would include new iPods we purchased or even our new-found love
i really feel so bad leh.
i used to be a Grammarian. until i buay tahan hahaa.