Nites all.
Opening my fourth can of coffee.
Tonight chiong my work.
No need to sleep liao.
Originally posted by Nata|ie:Nite chip!
don't forget our tai tai afternoon hor.
nites chip
nites chip
Originally posted by soleachip:
don't forget our tai tai afternoon hor.
Originally posted by soleachip:Wah cool. But how come background so low resolution one ar?
purposely blur de...
Originally posted by eagle:
this one is good.. but if u can superimpose it on a Lancaster Bomber, it would be even better...
B-25 bomber
aiyah you do also la...
i dunno... me poor in this kind.. never mind ba... i post the photo for shiok only
Halifax bomber
Originally posted by ^tamago^:
Mr stealth B-2 issit??
Supermarine Spitfire
P-51 Mustang
P-40 Warhawk
*drops a bomb*
A6M Zero