i go pack my stuff
talk later
hanor, sooner or later oso need to pack might as well get it over & done with..
only gets done in 2 yearsÂ
yalor and if he really decides that green is for him...might be green until he retiresÂ
so much to pack one meh? anyway, how about you? how was your day?
usual monday blues - no matter how much rest or zzz i get, i get zzz and have this looming headache coming on...which naturally disappears when i get home
wah alot to pack sia
nvm tonight not sleeping
slowly pack throughout the night
still haven pack finish my stuffs
doh...you took how many hours to pack leh?
think gunnie is gonna knock out early later tonite at the comfort of his new "home"..
today = relaxed day? dont they start the tekan-ing on day 1?
nah, 1st day or week should be more of orientation so nothing much yet..
the tekan-ing starts thereafter, it's only a matter of time..
1st day i think veri relaxed one
ya, what abt the 881A..
saw that bus at tam int with no desto.
still in the office but hopefully can leave at 8pm
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):saw that bus at tam int with no desto.
wanna ask, the citaros on 292, are they a daily kinda thing or just once in awhile..
Originally posted by QX179R:wanna ask, the citaros on 292, are they a daily kinda thing or just once in awhile..
daily seen
i think already perm le
SBS8667A and SBS8670P missing.
full day or izzit those s-shift kind..
may go snap them if its full day..
i think full day
just got home