28 August 2008 - Postbag from the Hedge
In this month's postbag we've got some wise words from the Poll Orks, Mr Mordaut explaining planar theory and the latest edition of Evil Dave's Conspiracy Theories. So, if you want to know some harsh truths about RuneScape, head over to the latest installment of the POSTBAG FROM THE HEDGE OF EVIL.
haha, maybe we can have a dedicated thread for all postbag from the hedge.
no idea
news letters from rs lor.
30 October 2008 - Postbag from the Hedge
Dressing up as beasts and monsters is so last year; this Hallowe’en, the beasts are dressing up and acting like humans! If you don’t believe us, read this month’s Postbag from the Hedge, where cockroaches are invading, frogs are talking, penguins are thieving, and fish are lecturing us about the meaning of life.
While the world seems to be turning on its head, it is somehow comforting to know that the Grim Reaper is up to his usual tricks. Read the postbag to find out what those tricks are, and why the Temple Knights are getting more than a little interested in his activities.