very gd, keep up the gd work..
all rites, off to nap liao coz 2nite on my 1st nite duty..
gd nite den ^^
pops in and bumps
I'm so happy with myself not doing my hwk >.<
you will cry tomorrow man!
I not scared lar.
I'm not like you.
i experienced with this kind of this already
i can just cope from friends wan
copy until your ______ become "lambek lambek"
stop with ur ________ and wad's lambek lambek?
soft soft la.
it's lembek lembek lar!
so wad's the _______
you do too much, after half hour will lembek
nvm. i still have my frens to help copy for me
3 people do it tgt
is whole class do together
40- some.
it's 38-some lar
ok peeps
i gtg.
going watch Incredible Tales den sleep and get all hyped up for school tomorrow!
just felt the need to bump this thread..
why u bump such an old thread?
where got old, just 2 days old nia..
yesterday's a history.
so consider old
aiyah, better than to let it close & go to waste wat..
waste bandwidth.
see sgf close down
if sgf were to really close down then its kinda a waste..
not really.
jason will just delete everything and refresh.