Pasieh, Noob qn: Erm, if lets say i for a very looooooong time neber use my ac, will my AC be deleted or removed?
seoti what ish ur ingame name? i is add u oks? =D
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:Pasieh, Noob qn: Erm, if lets say i for a very looooooong time neber use my ac, will my AC be deleted or removed?
but u got forget password anot
good question. cos i nearly forget my pass too
Originally posted by dinky1409:seoti what ish ur ingame name? i is add u oks? =D
Sure of course. U got my IGN already. Seoti.
But hor, i nvr log in for a looong time ler, so ...
Originally posted by kenn3th:
no.but u got forget password anot
heh heh.
I shld be able to still rmb.
They dont have password recovery???
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ok another qsn.. i jsut realised from the tip.runescape website, to wield a rune weapon, i need to have 40 attack? so if i have 1 attack and 40 str, i can't wield a rune weapon?
I used to play also.. think I level 72.. forgot liao. long time no go in..
att lvl is for weilding weapons
def lvl is for armour
str just help in hitting higher
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
heh heh.
I shld be able to still rmb.
They dont have password recovery???
Haha! Have !
Originally posted by dinky1409:ok another qsn.. i jsut realised from the tip.runescape website, to wield a rune weapon, i need to have 40 attack? so if i have 1 attack and 40 str, i can't wield a rune weapon?
No u can't.
Attack is how accurate u hit, it does also determine what weapons you can hold.
You start from the most noob (bronze) and the best for f2p (rune)
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:Yea. im having my SIP now. Borrrriiiiing. Cant wait to go back to school. Wad abt u?
My SIP is in school. =X
im thinking of becomin a trader lols.. looks like a lot of fun haha wish they can give more information on the GE lols.. blood talisman now is the item of the week.. lols you think the price will continue to rise? was looking into water talisman lols.. the price is declining i wonder when it will go up again.. once it starts to rise, maybe i will buy in hahas...
lols and so today i was bored so i went to GE and bought myself a pimping black gold trimmed armour set lols! it reduced my existing range bonus by half but still! i looked pimped! ahha grandmaster sexay! woo~ and i splashed a diamond ring for myself too lols.. useless ring but still pimps! haha
another qsn, range bonus, what use is it? even though mine was half im still hitting the creeps like a badass mofo lols..
!? u are a member?
blood talisman is for p2p players only..
Oo how did u get $ for Black gold?
Originally posted by kenn3th:Haha! Have !
OK thats good. Hahah.
Originally posted by omgukilledkenny:
My SIP is in school. =X
Huh? how come SIP is in school one?? u nvr go company work??
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:
Huh? how come SIP is in school one?? u nvr go company work??
lol mine special de...they send us go for course in school.
But they still count it as SIP.
blood talisman cannot just trade meh? even if ftp? k k lols.. my bads..
anyways, i got money through wc and mining.. lols.. good money making skills.. =)
Originally posted by omgukilledkenny:lol mine special de...they send us go for course in school.
But they still count it as SIP.
Wad the hell. Liddat also can. Hahahah. But for how long u work in school??
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Paiseh com lag. Didnt mean to spam so many times.