Things get heated up during this Lantern Festival when a few children at Yishun Ring Road light a fire and used an aerosol can to fan the flames, literally.
A resident informed the police, who arrived at the scene at about 8.30pm. But the damage had been done -- the playground tiles and soft rubber foam flooring had been left blackened and burnt.

These are damages from three different playgrounds in Yishun witnessed by Mike Muk on Oct 7, the day after the Lantern Festival. Mr Muk wonders, "Do kids realise that plastic can be burnt?"
It is traditional for children to carry lanterns and play with sparklers around the neighbourhood on the Lantern Festival, or Mid-Autumn Festival. However, Mr Muk has witnessed several incidents of children literally playing with fire and damaging public property in the process this season.
Courtesy of http://www.stomp.com.sg/gallery/