Many Singaporeans heading for shopping malls to escape haze
By Farah Abdul Rahim, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 07 October 2006 1801 hrs
While most Singaporeans are avoiding outdoor activities, many are headed for some indoor entertainment instead.
Some 80,000 shoppers flocked to the newest shopping mall in Singapore - VivoCity - on its opening day for some relief from the haze.
It was not just the colourful shopper traffic policeman in VivoCity who was drawing the crowds - shoppers like 32-year-old Ivy Tay and her family were there to escape the haze.
She said: "Saturday mornings we try to bring the kids outdoors to the beach or the park. Either we will stay home or go shopping somewhere enclosed or air-conditioned."
Peter Wong, Shopper, said: "The kids have got energy - we need to burn off their energy, bring them out of the house. If you can't do outdoors then shopping malls being Singapore's favourite pastime does help."
And they were not alone.
Many families were surprised that the Pollutant Standards Index hit a record high and they had to make alternative plans to spend the day.
One family was at the rooftop at the VivoCity complex.
The place was nearly deserted save for some workmen putting the finishing touches on an outdoor pool.
Thomas Zilliacus, Shopper, said: "It does feel unpleasant with a sticky feeling in your nose. We are walking around out here and doing some shopping, at the same time when the breeze comes from the sea it feels better, but let's see how it develops."
With a million square feet of shopping space, many Singaporeans and tourists alike were busy checking out the shops.
Some 60 percent of the 300 stores there are now open for business.
"The shopping centre is covered up, so the haze won't be easily coming in, there's air-conditioning and I won't feel the heat so much," said one shopper.
While thousands of shoppers have visited VivoCity on its opening day, it's not the same picture elsewhere.
Retailers at Junction 8 said shopper traffic had dropped, with more shoppers staying away due to the haze.
But whether they choose the mall or to stay home - one thing's for sure - Singaporeans are staying indoors to beat the haze. - CNA/ch