The Australian bushman hunts with the boomerang. The job seeker also hunts with the boomerang - in letter form. The boomerang letter is used to answer "positions available" and want ads. The boomerang letter flies the want ad words - the copy - back to the writer of the ad. This is a compelling sales technique.
Companies that advertise job openings put a lot of thought into the ad copy. The ads try to attract the right kind of person and screen out the wrong. The ads must compete with the ads of other companies. It is not unusual for a want ad to be a product of several authors or contributors. These ads are important. They cost money to run in the media. They cost money to create (there are advertising agencies that specialize solely in writing these kinds of ads). The hiring company must not only invest money to write and run these ads, they also invest themselves into the ads. The ads are surrogates for company recruiters, hirers, and spokespeople. The ad copy is sometimes an accurate reflection of the company's culture. Sometimes they overhype and oversell the job and the company; but almost always there is some pride of authorship and a hopeful satisfaction in the effectivenesss of the wording. Flatter the person who wrote the ad with your response letter. Echo the author's words and intent. Your letter should be a mirror of the ad. The ad writer's words should be a mirror of the ad. The ad writer's words should return to her like a boomerang. When she reads your letter she will see some of herself. She will think, "This person seems to fit the description. This person gets it." Your on-target response will validate the ad copy, giving the copywriter a positive return on her emotional investment in creating the ad.
When you get the interview, your job will be to prove to the company that they will also get a financial return on their investment in hiring you. Boomerang letters are like the boomerang - sophisticated simplicity.
Ad for Property Manager: Example #1
Regional Real Estate Investment Company seeks property manager with five years of experience. Responsible for overall management and leasing of a 25-property portfolio. Properties include industrial, office, and multifamily housing. Experience in various properties desirable. Development oversight and acquisition due diligence a plus. Excellent written and verbal communication skills required. Proven background in financial analysis a must. Please send resume to Bill Farley, Vice-President of Operations.
Corresponding Boomerang Letter to Bill Farley, Vice-President of Operations.
Dear Mr. Farley:
As a seasoned real estate property manager, my typical workday starts with an inspection of rubbish removal at our industrial locations, moves to maintenance issues at our office buildings, and concludes with a review of past-due rents at our multifamily houses. At least once a month, as part of our continuing property acquisition, I provide the financial analysis piece of the due diligence. Membership on the development oversight and leasing committee for a number of properties in our portfolio is a transferable experience.
If you are looking for a manager who can wear many hard hats and keep the buildings profitable, we should talk. If I don't hear from you first, at 940-678-1234, you will receive a follow-up call.
Sincerely yours,
Lisa Land
P.S. Relocation, relocation, relocation is not a problem for me.
Ad for Marketing Services Coordinator: Example #2
ABC Printing Corp. is seeking an experienced, career-minded individuual to become a key player on its marketing team. The successful candidate will possess strong skills in math, organization, and communication, both verbal and written. Must be computer literate. Experience in the printing industry is a definite plus. Ability to interact with customers, outside sales, and factory people at all levels in a high-powered environment is key. Strong interpersonal skills are essential. Position is heavily focused in customer service. Please send resume and salary history to Harry Viens, Director of Customer Service.
Corresponding Boomerang Letter to Harry Viens, Director of Customer Service
Dear Mr. Viens:
If you are looking for a marketing services coordinator who is willing to work hard, is a team player, and who will flourish in a high-powered, high-energy company, please consider me for that position. Customer service is one of the most important functions in a company. Ensuring good customer service means having the ability to communicate with customers, and to coordinate the efforts of outside salespeople and printing-plant personnel to deliver what the customer wants.
You can quickly evaluate my computer and verbal skills in an interview. You may reach me at 297-399-1101, or I will call to follow up.
Printingly yours,
Byers R. Phirst
P.S. My career has been, and will be, in a marketing company that understands customer focus.