Originally posted by CHAY:
although wat u wrote sounded very fucked up.....but sadly it's quite true....it's all part of growing up.
for some reason, I have to admit that I also agree wif this...
This is all about commitment only, commitment won't make a person feelingless, but commitment just act as borderline where someone must not go beyond that line...
So if your gf commit to you, it doesn't mean "your gf will be feelingness", she still can be attracted to someone which may be better than you. Just like you, even though you are commited to your gf, you still admire someone which is prittier or nicer than your gf, but your *commitment* prevent you from doing so.
.. for your gf's sake... if breaking the *commitment* make her live more happily, you may have to accept her decision. anyway, GF and BF relationship is a *TOOL, DOOR, and FILTER* :
TOOL : to make both parties know each other, your weakness, her weakness, and strong points...
DOOR : door leading to MARRIAGE, and straight to "LIVING TOGATHER FOR A LIFETIME"
FILTER : whether both can ENDURE each other weak point, until both reach MARRIAGE stage.. Need understanding to acknowledge other parties' weakness, and to fill it with your strong point. But, if you can't better not continue, cos once get into MARRIAGE stage, all is too late ... you have to live with her weakness for the rest of your life.
So, if she find that she can't get along with you (*FILTER*) or find somebody have strong point which can cover her weakness, then, to break the commitment is not wrong, but it is a process of BF-GF relationship.
Unless you are in ENGAGED STATE (State excactly before marriage) or MARRIAGE STATE, the BF-GF commitment is breakable for the reason above ... for the sake of one of the party ...