Arrival (2016) :
VALERIAN (Sci Fi Movie, 2017) :
The Govt of France actually changed their laws for this movie. Nice!
By the end of August 2015, Besson said in a radio interview that shooting the film in France was too expensive. Because it was shot in a foreign language (ie. English), Besson was unable to benefit from tax credits despite preferring to produce it in France and create jobs for over 1,200 staff and crew members. The legal criteria to obtain these tax credits were then modified accordingly by the government of France.
Visitor comments include, "And instead of fleeing his collapsing home to save his life, he stays glued to his PC struggling to convince his guildmates of the severity of the earthquake, while continuing his gaming session. Of course."
Sharing our two cents on some study techniques to tackle your language exams -
Well let's see, MMA vs Boxing. In a real unarmed no-holds-barred fight, who would get his hubris ass whooped, and expeditiously be on his knees begging for his US$800+ million life? (talk about being ridiculously and unethically overpaid)
When he's president, Donald Trump will fly on Air Force One. Which means the Boeing 757 that Trump owns through a holding company will be free for use by Ivanka, Melania, Eric, Donald Jr., or whomever else. And if Trump requests Secret Service protection for those people, he will probably get it. And when Secret Service agents fly alongside a protectee, they use their government funded resources to pay for their airfare. Which in the case of a flight on the Trump jet would mean paying Trump for the seats on his plane.
In other words, by asking for Secret Service protection for family members who fly on his plane, Donald Trump can directly funnel taxpayer money into his own pocket.
For any of the Trump or Pence clans assigned a protective detail due to safety risks— and the rancor of the 2016 vote could well produce many — Secret Service travel on a Trump-owned plane means the agency would need to reimburse the aircraft's owner. In this case, the president.
"So then you have government money going into the pockets of the president and his children," said Brett Kappel, a lawyer who specializes in political finance and ethics at Akerman LLP.
Now, you might be saying to yourself that this is ridiculous and no public official would be so reckless with his political standing as to loot the Treasury in this manner.
But this is exactly what Trump did during the campaign, billing the federal government $6 million for granting Secret Service agents the right to fly on his plane. The reason we know that is because it was a political campaign, so all the financial details were filed with the Federal Election Commission. With the campaign over, however, the plane just becomes part of Trump's opaque web of privately held companies, so the amount of money he is funneling from the federal government into his pocket won't be disclosed on that end.
Sir Gigal Surport : Bear was just checking to see which part of the dog is nice and tender!
Ima : Odds are it's a mother bear who recently lost a cub or cubs to a pack of violent, leftist penguins.