5 real-life children with superhuman powers
[Philippines] - "It's safer here inside jail," he said. "Outside, if the police want to shoot you because you refuse to pay them bribes, they just shoot you and kill you, and then later claim you're a drug dealer, and get full immunity from Duterte for the killing."
What are the difficulties of cracking a Denuvo-protected game?
The China-based warez hacking group 3DM claimed to have defeated Denuvo Anti-Tamper on 1 December 2014. The group claimed that the technology involves a "64-bit encryption machine" that requires cryptographic keys unique to the specific hardware of each installed system.
Later, in early December, the same group released a crack for the video game Dragon Age: Inquisition, which uses Denuvo Anti-Tamper to protect Electronic Arts' Origin Online Access DRM. But this took almost a month, which is unusually long for PC games. Asked about the development, Denuvo acknowledged that "every protected game eventually gets cracked". Ars Technica noted that most legitimate sales for major games happened within 30 days of release, and so publishers may consider Denuvo a success if it meant a game took significantly longer to be cracked.
In January 2016, 3DM reportedly nearly gave up attempting to crack Just Cause 3, which is protected with Denuvo, due to the difficulties associated with the process. They also warned that due to the current trends in encryption technology, in two years' time, the cracking of video games may become impossible. Denuvo's Thomas Goebl believes that some console-only releases may get PC release in future due to this technology. It was announced that 3DM would stop all research on Denuvo Anti-Tamper, stop cracking all single-player games from February 2016 for one whole year, start relying on other crackers and see if the sales have increased in China in one year's time.
(actually this is just a photo from a football match in UK, but you get the 'picture')