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In case you don't get what the ad is about (even after watching it), here's the explanation.
"People are saying that in the West, applying make up in public is a sign that you're a prostitute, but Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth herself is famous for often touching up her lipstick in front of the public," said Papurika dreams.
So then he explained to me that his title, councillor (political) at the British embassy in Washington, was just "cover". He was in fact the head of station for what I would know as MI6, but what the organisation itself preferred to call the SIS – the Secret Intelligence Service.
Dad outlined the differences between the SIS and the domestic intelligence service MI5. The SIS had an "intelligence-gathering" remit, with no powers to work inside the UK, while MI5 had the job of "counter-intelligence", defending the country on its own soil from the depredations of foreign spies, mainly of their mutual enemy, the Soviet KGB.
He also explained that British intelligence agencies and their members were known as "The Friends" and the CIA as "The Cousins", and that his job in Washington was to liaise between "Friends" and "Cousins": between the SIS's home in London and CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. His position was an extremely senior one.
Professor who’s correctly called every presidential election since 1984 predicts Trump will win
Speaking of Malaysia, the discussions in the visitor comments below the article, are even more interesting than the article itself, as is often the case with online articles, thanks to the internet and social media giving the common man-in-the-street an online voice.
"What would happen if Malaysia or Indonesia invaded Singapore?"
A woman in China convinced each of her 20 lovers to buy her an iPhone – in order to sell them so she would have enough for a deposit to buy her first home in the countryside.
I’m early thirties female working as a SVP in a local bank. A lot of people might be surprise how a young age like myself able to ascend to a senior position. I’m going to share with people the rise of my career, money and fame in this local bank.
When I graduated from NTU (BBA) in 2003, I followed the wisdom of majority and joined the lucrative and glamorous financial service sector, working as an entry position in the foreign desk trading. Trading department is very niche and it’s again a men world, all the traders were men and only a few ladies. In this kind of environment, pretty ladies like myself will thrive because the men will strive to impress me. I enjoyed my work as a foreign desk trader, trading and interacting with overseas clients and executing trades for them. The remuneration is good specially bonus time when I collected 5 months bonus in good years.
The truth of trading
I guess a lot of analyst emphasised the important of Technical and Fundamental analysis of individual stocks and industry as a whole. The more educated you are, the more informed choices you can make. The market works on a logically format…………….. I can tell you this, it’s all bullshits. These analysts are only good at writing Marco Economics reports and they try their best to make everything very complicated, given the general public (mass market) a false impression that they know and are able to predict the stock market and prices, this is a lie. These so call analyst are just like fortune tellers in Annual Chinese New Eve programmes giving or predicting the lucks of individuals signs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they are wrong. They are saying the correct stuffs, correct stuffs that apply to everyone and anything. Their advices are useless when it comes to trading. Think about it, if these analyst are so good, they can just quit their jobs and trade fulltime…………… and why they have not done that yet…………? It’s because their advice are useless. Stock market is driven by irrational fear and greed, this is the truth. Traders made money by having access to insider information. In order to perform in my job and earn profits for my clients, my flirt or sometimes slept with my male co-workers to gain access to insider information. You be surprise, traders are very rational people. I sleep with this dude, next day he tends to act like nothing had happened. No emotional baggages or sticky situation. I’m able to rise up the ranks when I was 27 years old, I’m already a VP. I was my Director right hand women, accompany him to meet clients and management meeting. During one of those senior management meetings I attended together with my director, I was introduced to our group CEO and I think my physical appearance made a impression on him and he remembered me ever since. My first impression of the CEO……..? The CEO father is the Chairman of the group and they look similar, I conclude that male hair loss runs in the family…………….
The Affair
The CEO invited me for lunch and I make full use of the golden opportunity to seduce him. Finally had sex with me in his office at UOB Building Level 8, and I thought CEO the highest position in the company should occupy the highest level? In order not to let anyone expose our affair, we usually have our rendezvous at West Malaysia once a week. Tioman Island, Desaru, Port Dickson and Riders Lodge (his favourite place), once a week. I had intimate relations with quite a number of men and this CEO definitely have some unique taste. He always requested me to dress in rider white pants and black leather boots (although I hate horses). He said black leather sexy boots makes him high, I wore the black boots throughout the session because he loves it (it is rather hot wearing black boots in the midst of love making), I guess that’s why Racequeens wear black boots because there are some men who love them. Sometimes, he didn’t even want me to take off the horse riding shirt and pants, he unzip me and work on it. There’s one session I appeared naked before him (cause it’s hot to wear black boots), but he requested me to wear those outfit back on (eyes roll). He told me he hired photographers to take pictures of Turf Belles during the road shows where sluts wore tight white pants and black riding boots. One of his preference I can relate to and I think he learn from Caucasians because of his university days in London. I being with Caucasian men before and they all like to work their way from the rear. During the pillow talks, he always mentioned about how angry he was where his neighbour sue his family for the right of passage. I think his family bought the only road out of the two houses and employed a security guard to prevent anyone from intruding, his medical doctor neighbour thought it was unfair and went to court. The CEO was angry with the law suit for exposing his family to the media. I think local “old money� are very protective of their privacy and safeguarding their “low profile� is upmost important to them, guess having money brings new kinds of problems.
Preferential Treatment
Meantime in the company, I was transferred to the CEO office to be his Operation Manager “Chief of Staff�. I accompany him to attend every meeting and inside his inner circle. I rose to the from AVP to SVP in just 3 years and now my monthly salary is $80,000 per month excluding the love gifts CEO showered me with, should be around $900,000. I enjoyed the fame, influence and the money. If my former foreign desk department head became a kitten in front of me, addressing me as Madam because I outrank him now.
End of the Affair
Being around the clock with the CEO, my instincts tells me he has his eyes on another young pretty women working as a Personal Banker. This women was immediately transferred into my department and got a triple promotion from Senior Officer to AVP. And I was transferred out of the department. We stopped going to West Malaysia and he stopped answering my calls. The worst part is the slut (new mistress) wears black boots with office wear everyday. As for me, I was posted to Compliance Department although I had no experience before. I have this fear that this new department cannot afford my salary and if there’s a recession, I will be the first to get axed. I should have done more during the relationship like getting insider information and sell the information to earn good money. Money is definitely more trustworthy than rich man.