“When I was touring with Steel Magnolia in 2010, a very rich and powerful man in the music business grabbed up my skirt. He was groping me and proceeded to try to pick me up by my ass on a bus in front of a lot of important people.
“I was mortified and told him not to touch me and to put me down. It caused quite a scene and I could tell that he was embarrassed and angry. The next night he came up behind me and whispered in my ear, he said, ‘I have boats bigger than you could ever imagine, and I could have you abducted and put in the middle of the ocean where no one would ever hear from you again. Just remember that.’ He laughed and walked away.
“This is not about my middle finger. This is about Islamofascists who could not accept that a Malay questioned their plan to Islamize Malaysia,� she added.
The lawyer said that there are many Malaysian Malays who do not agree with PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s Bill that seeks to amend the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) in order to expand the powers of the Shariah courts.
“There are many Malaysian Malays out there who do not agree with their point of view or what they are trying to push. We have our own views on Islam. It is not only their view on Islam that is right. Don’t just leave it to the ulamas and these so-called religious experts, they are not Allah,� Siti said.
(Also read the visitor comments below the article).
BMW Driver Parks at Sheltered Walkaway to Avoid Getting Wet, Pedestrians get Drenched Instead
The Beijing-based company, from the Tongzhou district if you know the city well, apparently make the female workers line up between 9 and 9.30am to share a kiss with their boss – in an apparent attempt to strengthen the bond between employee and manager.